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Crown Unlimit

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Everything posted by Crown Unlimit

  1. Once I got to the final boss on Riku, I dropped. Then I went to Sora's final boss, and dropped again. Then I trained on Riku, Then I fought Sora's final boss and won, and I fought Riku's final boss and won!
  2. Just beat KH 3D today... What an amazing game. I wish I hadn't beaten it so soon. I couldn't do my 7 summer algebra pages in 3 days. Well, gonna try and beat Julius now. Wish me luck

    1. Destiny_of_a_Key_Bearer
    2. Crown Unlimit

      Crown Unlimit

      Hmm, it seems my wish has been granted

  3. Hey guys, I just beat the game today, and I want to go for the Ultima Weapon. I would really appreciate it if you could give me some tips on how to defeat Julius. Also, I know that Balloongas are always a thing for Julius, and I wanted to know how to get some more. Thanks
  4. That happened to me when I fought Spellican while at Sound of Symphony. He had like half a bar left http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png
  5. I got Meowjesty, and I named him Fuffles. Why? Cuz I was bored. I was happy i got him too, he's cool, and he levels up quickly.
  6. I'm pretty sure there was one at my Game stop.... Well, I know that there was a whole stand dedicated to FF XII-2
  7. Just started Prankster's Paradise for Riku, about halfway through Prankster's Paradise on Sora. Sora- lvl 21 Riku- lvl18
  8. Sora: Fire WIndmill Riku: Spark Dive Is this ok for Prankster's Paradise? Thunder Dash Aerial Slam Aerial Slam Fire Windmill Circle Raid Circle Raid Firaga Blizzard Edge Cura Cura
  9. FINALLY got KH 3D yesterday... It's really great, I'm having fun

    1. Crown Unlimit

      Crown Unlimit

      lol I feel like I'm rushing now. Once I finish Prankster's Paradise, I'm going to go back and find as many treasure chests as I can before I go to the next cluster of worlds

    2. Wyle


      I'm only about three chests away from all of them at Traverse Town. I feel like these chests have been hidden better than past games.

    3. Crown Unlimit

      Crown Unlimit

      Yeah. I have about 4 or 5 left at Traverse Town for Sora. But I'm not really exploring much with Riku

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  10. I think the fighting style is the best in the series and the characters and story are great. And yes, the secret ending was amazing. There's something about BbS that just makes me love it... I feel like the theme of friendship and loyalty to friends is the main theme in this game, so it's pretty deep
  11. Thanks, I was kinda worried for a sec. I was wondering how I was going to break it to him... But now I don't have to!! Thanks again
  12. I WILL get KH 3D today... abundance of uptown game stores, don't fail me now!!

  13. I was wondering how many files i can make. I think it's two, but I wanted to know if it's like one for Sora and one for Riku, or if you can play as both Sora AND Riku on the same file. Can someone help me? I'm just wondering cuz my brother wanted to make a file, and he's been playing KH longer than I have. So how many files can I make?
  14. That thing is adorable... It would be so epic if Spirits were real Cool signature :ph34r:
  15. No. I personally think Kingdom Key has a great design. It's simple, but there's something about it that's neat
  16. Lol I just logged on and what comes on TV? A KH 3D commercial

    1. KeyBladeMaster01


      I wish we could have games commercials...

  17. i have yet to play the game, but I think the Symphony of Sorcery will be the best, from what I've seen
  18. K-Mart didn't have it... AGAIN. Tomorrow my mom and I are going to the mainland to get school stuff. There are 2 Game Stops and a Walmart there. Heck yes

  19. I agree, and I think they're cute and colorful, and there's just something about them that make them more appealing than Donald and Goofy ( Maybe their cute and colorfulness?). But that's just me Plus, there are so many that you can pick and with the interactive things, you become real comrades
  20. I went to K-Mart (there is no Game spot, Best Buy, or Walmart near where I live ) on the NA release date and they didn't have it, though they said games are usually released on Thursdays... I'm going again today, wish me luck http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png Edit: Okay so they didn't have it again. I went to the mainland to Game Stop (after I thought tornado and hail warnings had stopped. They hadn't). Luckily, they had it. But right before I opened the door, a HUGE clap of thunder scared the crap out of me. I didn't show it, but I was shaking inside.
  21. I have yet to play KH 3D, but I've seen all of the keyblades. I just wanted to know which was your favorite (to use, to look at). I think End of Pain and Overdrive look really sweet, and Way to Dawn, of course. What's your favorite?
  22. If they put a FF world in a future KH, I think it should be Midgar, or maybe Cocoon or Gran Pulse
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