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Crown Unlimit

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Everything posted by Crown Unlimit

  1. "You know you wanna go dance with me!" lol I love the part with Clove
  2. I remember that too. New people would really be great, but I hope most of them are people we know... As long as one of those "people we know" isn't Demyx. If I have to hear "dance,water,dance!" ever again... I will punch a Russian Unicorn.
  3. Yes. I saw that someone posted it (it was probably you lol) and I watched it and died from the cuteness.Through out the whole video I was like "AAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW". Red Pandas are probably my favorite animals now. Well, next to Licorice Walruses. I just re-watched that video. OMG I WANT ONE!!
  4. Is it weird that I really like that piano track from the Taken 2 commercial?

  5. I got The Avengers om DVD!!! Watching it in theaters will no doubt be a better experience, but I still love this movie!! <3 Thor

    1. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      It is a pretty good movie. That's saying something coming from me, considering that I don't even care for the comics. I wasn't even gonna go see it, until both my best friends wanted to. I was not disappointed. lol

    2. Snow


      I'm not a fan of the Avengers. It's just some superheroes who don't even belong in the same universe.

    3. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      Well, you can like what you want to like, but I wouldn't really say that it's your right to say that they didn't belong in the same universe. I would say that right would go to Marvel. You know... the creators. lol

  6. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=cute+puppies&num=10&hl=en&biw=1600&bih=1085&tbm=isch&tbnid=b6uXsZgWvrjftM:&imgrefurl=http://nene.modthesims.info/showthread.php%3Fp%3D3294639&docid=F8Bg6YE9EMnn3M&imgurl=http://thumbs2.modthesims.info/img/2/9/7/5/8/5/6/MTS_Robodl95-1172416-cute-puppy-pictures-pez-dispenser1.jpg&w=500&h=378&ei=-XtlUJfUD4PO9ASQ44GoDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=199&vpy=714&dur=264&hovh=195&hovw=258&tx=148&ty=117&sig=104518155796637252493&page=1&tbnh=163&tbnw=216&start=0&ndsp=30&ved=1t:429,r:18,s:0,i:205 http://www.google.com/imgres?q=cute+puppies&num=10&hl=en&biw=1600&bih=1085&tbm=isch&tbnid=Zu-o1pyYfqEtAM:&imgrefurl=http://www.funnypicss.cc.cc/2012/07/funny-and-cute-puppy-pictures.html&docid=sH8dGnyfNe_lFM&imgurl=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-lfCqXhrA7uY/UBDRO71f3bI/AAAAAAAAPvY/r_EuA_uqVBM/s1600/cute%252Bpuppy%252Bpictures%252B(78).jpg&w=500&h=332&ei=-XtlUJfUD4PO9ASQ44GoDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=427&vpy=797&dur=205&hovh=183&hovw=276&tx=179&ty=72&sig=104518155796637252493&page=1&tbnh=166&tbnw=222&start=0&ndsp=30&ved=1t:429,r:25,s:0,i:227
  7. The link wasn't there at first. I tried to keep pasting the pic, but it didn't show up, so I just posted the link
  8. I shall call him Blobby, and he shall be mine.http://www.google.com/search?num=10&hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1600&bih=1085&q=blobfish&oq=blob&gs_l=img.1.0.0l10.1354.1735.0.3261. My friend and I said we would totally go deep sea diving to get this thing for my science teacher for her birthday. The blobfish is kind of a private joke in my enrichment science class.
  9. That kid is a manipulative little monster... Respect
  10. I don't know if anyone else is like this, but I'm really uncomfortable with other people playing my Pokemon games (that sounds really weird). I'm always afraid that they will mess everything up. I'm just too paranoid to let someone play on my file of POKEMON. There is something wrong with me. But you can understand right? You spend a long time training your Pokemon, maybe even to level 100. In the newer games, you can check how much your Pokemon like you, and believe me, spending so much time with them will make them like you, and you will get rewards for it. Great right? Wrong. What if someone just throws a monkey wrench right into that perfect little thing you've got going there? Fortunately, that has not happened to me (probably because I'm too paranoid to let anyone play my games), but I KNOW that it has happened to at least one of you, or someone you know. And I need to come clean about this, I was once the person that messed up another's perfect little Pokemon world. And people that have never played a Pokemon game have NO IDEA how terrible it feels when you turn on your game, and see that your level 84 Dragonite/ Salamence/ <insert cool Pokemon here> has been traded for a Zubat. I think most people would hate to see their hard work go to waste, even if it's just on a dumb video game. I wanna know if anyone feels the same way about this, or if I'm a paranoid freak that needs to chill and stop staring over their friends' shoulders making sure that they don't screw up anything having to do with my precious Pokemon.
  11. Ok take magic... BUT DO NOT EVER TAKE AWAY BENDING!!
  12. lol My friends found another girl to do it. They wanted one of my guy friends to be Spike. He's the dino The other girl looks better in the wig than I think I would, and rainbow isn't my color, so I'm cool with not being a pegasus this year. But next year, we will totally be superheroes.
  13. Ah, Miss Congeniality is on. Gotta go

  14. Wait, what? I clicked on the link but it didn't do anything Wait never mind. I get it now
  15. My friends LOVE My Little Pony. They wanted me to be Rainbow Dash with them for Halloween.
  16. "Hey Joe! Wait, who's Joe?""Wait,wait, he's not Joe?" " He's CODFISH JOE!" lol "Do something fruityyyy"
  17. lol I saw it on Smosh too... Is wanting to hunt a Russian unicorn a good thing, or a bad thing? "You stink- myaaaahhh" "Yay a goat" LMFAO
  18. The first time I saw this video, I laughed my face off. It made my day. I hope that you guys will also enjoy this video.
  19. That poor kid will always be wanting to wrestle, never knowing what really meant... Well, at least for a little while
  20. moo

    1. Jim
    2. VanitasisKirby


      Darn it. I thought you were going to say something about the notifications, and I was going to say hai

    3. VanitasisKirby
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