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Crown Unlimit

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Everything posted by Crown Unlimit

  1. My favorite movie soundtrack is definitely Kill Bill Vol.1, but I'm not really sure about my favorite video game soundtrack. FF13 is definitely up there along with any KH game. Also, Legend of Zelda, am I right?
  2. Someone shares my love of random gifs?
  3. Dark magician and Kuriboh were always my favorites
  4. I agree with everyone else. Even if Riku will just be a party member (which I doubt) he will level up separately, like how Donald and Goofey did in 1 and 2.
  5. I would love for Snake to come back. He is one of my favorite characters to play as, and his move set is AMAZING. My favorite move set in the game, actually. If he came back I would be extremely happy. Make it happen, Nintendo!
  6. All I can say is that I am a huge fan of how fast he eats burgers... Kidding! Anyway, I think the Master is awesome and brilliant and one of my favorite Doctor Who bad guys. Also, John Simm is a FANTASTIC (see what I did there?) actor. In my opinion.
  7. Ok, so I honestly don't know anything about anime, but your signature just almost made me shed a tear. That is freaking beautiful, and you really brought back awesome memories and feelings. So yeah, thank you so much.
  8. I would also buy a PS4 for Infamous Second Son. That game looks incredible!
  9. Finally got Kid Icarus Uprising. Today is a happy day.

  10. Wow, that sure is a strong opinion. That REALLY lets me know that it is worth it. Thanks everyone! I'll have to talk some of my friends into getting it so we can play together lol
  11. I normally use Oblivion. Because although Ultima Weapon is better, I just love Oblivion. Or, if I want to actually have to fight Heartless, I use Kingdom Key, so I don 't one-hit KO things. I like to actually play the game even after I have beaten it. Also Lionheart
  12. I really wanted to know, because I am probably going to buy it on Sunday and I was just wondering if you guys liked it. I think the mulitplayer looks interesting, and from the gameplay I have seen, it looks like a fun game. I also like the fact that there are a bunch of different weapons to choose from. So yeah, did anyone like it? Does it have a replay-value? And would you recommend it to someone that likes action/adventure RPG's?
  13. I only like Star Wars Battlefront because it is pretty much a basic FPS game, and I usually suck at FPS games.
  14. I would only do it if I could make someone else immortal with me. Which is kinda selfish, I know, but I think the person I would pick would do the same thing, even if tehy didn't pick me.
  15. Happy birthday Lu Xun!!!

    1. dusk


      Oh it is his birthday :D

    2. I♥KH
  16. For Kingdom Hearts, of course I would. We've waited so long for KH3, and if I have to buy a new console to play it, I will buy one. And it's not like KH would be the only good game. There are always good games, even on brand new consoles. By the way, does anyone know if the PS4 will have backwards compatibility?
  17. Some books I read have Latin in them, but I don't think that counts.
  18. How do you pronounce "gif"? I think it could either be "giff" or "jiff". I just thought this was kinda interesting that the guy who created them finally told us how to pronounce the word.
  19. Final Fantasy Crisis Core. Zack Fair T.T
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