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Lucas Leinen

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  1. List of Questions that I can't find Answers too: King of Rush: Does this just require you to win each one, or get a gold in each one? How do you get the Gold? Dream Pleaser: What is the Max Affinity Level for a Spirit? What are ways to easilly grind them up? Portal Champ: Do this also require you to do the "Use X Spirits"? Or are they the special ones? What are Secret Portal's? Stat Builder: Can this be carried over to a Proud Mode Run or Critical Mode Run? Do these require you to unlock EVERY single ability and their multi-installs? How do I permanently unlock those? Frequent Friend: Does this require actual people to complete? Is there a way to grind this with two people? Thank you! Please keep story spoilers out of here!
  2. No, the game itself was easy. The only issue was Master Eraqus. He was just annoying as all hell on Proud mode. I beat the final boss with ease. Hell, not even the Remnants put up much of a fight compared to Eraqus.
  3. First off: NO SPOILERS PLEASE. Okay, I plan on completing EVERY Trophy in this game, as I try to "Complete" any and all 3DS games I have. That means, unlocking all unlockables which also means: Secret Ending. Now, I was planning on going "Proud Mode", yet the last KH game I played (BBS) was a literal bitch to beat with Terra. That second to last boss battle very nearly made me murder something. My question is: Is there a boss as tough as Master Eraqus or as unfair as Master Eraqus in this game? If so I may just go for Normal Mode.
  4. 7.0 isn't a bad score. That is still a score that says, "This game is good, yet better if you are a fan." Now, if it got a 6.0/10.0 it would mean that it is average fair. Nothing great, yet nothing terrible. It has garnered good reviews, I don't see what the issue is.
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