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Everything posted by KHlover15

  1. OK so not all these couples are supossedly together but its all up to you wheether they would be a good couple. I would say Aqua and Vanitas, Sora and Kairi, Roxas and Xion. OH AND YES RIKU AND XION!!! Some of my friends were asking me to put selphie and sora. no ones gonna vote for that but whatever i put it anyway...
  2. Ok so there is always a trio in each game whther they r impotant or not. There is ALWAYS two boys and one girl. so. ... which is your favorite? Mine is ...well I can't pick cause its too hard...
  3. I have personally made sea salt ice cream and it is pretty good but Since I have already tried it I would have poapu fruit
  4. how...? it explains so much.. just because it has bad graphics does not mean its the worst. That is one of the best games. Re:coded is the worst because it explains nothing till the very end.
  5. All you should do is look up the ending and secret ending. I beat the game and it was pointless till the very end. do not waste your time or money. But if you r a hard core fan like me play the game.
  6. Ya just found it sorry. Stupid questoin. Sorry for being mean. I'm new to this site
  7. name as much as u can and guess on the ones that aren't revealed. I'm just curious to what people think.
  8. I have no clue I love them both! But if I really had to choose I don't know haha! I love the slow version of sanctuary better then the slow version of simple and clean.
  9. For me I had a hard time fighting Riku in the first game in hollow bastion. When Sora says " There's no way your taking Kairi's heart." After the 3rd time I wanted to end sora.
  10. I agreee with you 100% The gummi ship is stupid in the first game and yes the fact that you can skip cutscenes is freaking annoying.
  11. I don't freaking care.... Holy shiz man! Thats awesome!! You r my friend now...
  12. Ok here to give you a little pop quiz. See if you can name all the True names of the organization members.
  13. The video is on this website. just go to KH BBS videos and its one of the very first videos. its called birth by sleep. Yes I believe it was Sora's voice.
  14. When Ven is asleep at the beginning of the game on destiny island, And Ven's heart is joined with sora's, did you hear two voices when Ven says "Open the door"? Watch that cutscene and tell me if you hear it. listen very closely...
  15. Okay people. I need to know what is everyones fav KH game is. I would say BBS. Then 358, kh2, khCom, kh1, then lastly and least recoded.
  16. That is the hardest question I have ever had thrown at me... um .... light. because honestly no matter how deep your light is there is always darkness. There is a balance. So yes I would pick light.
  17. I absolutley hate wonderland and there is not much of a point to winnie the pooh...but I would rather have that then wonderland.
  18. I would say in KH1: Hollow Bastion KH:CoM- Castle Oblivion or Destiny Island 358/2 Days: Beats Castle KH2: Beasts Castle or Timeless River/Disney Castle or the world that never was or hollow Bastion BBS: Enchanted dominion or Neverland but most of all Radiant Garden I hate re:coded ! except for the ending and secret ending..
  19. I stayed on the island until I was level 10. It helped me tremendously!! I glided so fast through the game. People, if your going to play Kh1 then wait till ur at least level 10 to leave the island.
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