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Everything posted by KHlover15

  1. HAPPY KH DDD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. My game should be coming today!!! I'm so excited!!!

  3. MY favorite villain would have to be maleficent. and least favorite would be the evil step mother...
  4. its because ventus is like a brother to aqua. it would be weird.
  5. Ok yes that's what I thought but I didn't want to sound like an idiot. but ya people have been saying the want ven and vanitas to be together for reals. and its just weird to me..........
  6. No I don't get it sorry...? can you explain?? I have a theory but I am not sure if it's right....
  7. just choose other if you want a GAY couple...
  8. HAHA! ya it would b cool if pixar movies were incorporated but i highly doubt...
  9. It would be freaking awesome!! They could make the graphics waaaaaay better !
  10. Heck to the ya jungle book! it would be epic and a great change!
  11. So tell me ur thoughts. what world would you like to see in the future of KH? It can be one we have seen before or one we have never seen. I personally want them to turn winnie the pooh into jungle book! It would be awesome!! And I think I would want to see hollow bastion again for sure!
  12. Poor ven has got no one... He's got his friends His friends are his power! I agree....
  13. Personally I would choose nobodies because they have the deepest story. THEY ARE EPIC!! But if I were to choose a 2nd I would say Unversed.
  14. mmmmmmm...Birth by sleep soundtrack if not the Kingdom Hearts one.
  15. You lie. There is no baylaust. I looked it up. no such thing. KEEP UP WITH KH GOSH! If I don't know about it, its not a main villian. You can only vote for the ones I listed.
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