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The Kingdom Hearts Otaku

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Everything posted by The Kingdom Hearts Otaku

  1. You got a friend in me.

    1. DoDo4869


      I wonder if they'll say this line in the game... :O

    2. The Kingdom Hearts Otaku

      The Kingdom Hearts Otaku

      That would be great! And adorable <3

  2. Just counting down the days at this point. I did preorder some of these games but I am the most excited about Future Tone and how amazing that is gonna be, and Tales of Berseria is very close behind that
  3. In light of the info of no Pride Lands in KH3, I wave goodbye to my babies... KiaraxKovu

    1. Exiblade7


      That information might not be valid yet, so there's a chance that the information is fake.

    2. The Kingdom Hearts Otaku

      The Kingdom Hearts Otaku

      I thank you for the info. Here's to hoping.

  4. This is such an amazing announcement! One of the worlds I was hoping to see for KH3 and I can't wait to see how Sora and Hiro get along! They seem like they would really hit it off immediately, than Sora and them can all do the handshake!
  5. How much I would have loved this and watched it everyday. This would make me watch TV
  6. I think I'm addicted to chocolate milk.... BUT I'M OKAY WITH IT D3

  7. I think I am addicted to chocolate milk... but I

  8. I was a prominent member for a long time til I eventually stopped for a long time
  9. Hows it going strangers with the same love of this series as I?! Whats up, I havent been on in a while, everything looks the same but feels different. Whats the latest? I know KH 2.5 is coming, to bad I'm broke and will cry when its finally out.
  10. Well I just keep getting smarter about Kingdom Hearts <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. I♥KH


      And mangas. In the KH13 all is available :D

    3. The Kingdom Hearts Otaku

      The Kingdom Hearts Otaku

      Omg the manga! Yes thank you my life just got so much better.

    4. I♥KH


      :D you're welcome.
  11. Well I just keep getting smarter about Kingdom Hearts <3

  12. *cough* but you only really got into it because of me *cough*
  13. Here's my feel. out. Its actually Soras keyblade in kh1, because Riku has the Way to Dawn as his keyblade, not a kingdom key and since riku gave into darkness he could have gain his keyblade then, and i don't believe the keyblade likes to jump from person to person like that anyway. And in birth by sleep, terra performs the inheritance ceremony with riku because he sees a vision of an older riku, kh2 riku, so that might hint when he first needs the keyblade. And when he forcibly takes it from sora it doesn't turn into the way to dawn, still a kingdom key, a sora only weapon. So yeah.
  14. Lol yuppie, don't touch him ladies he's mine.
  15. yes i know, it what he uses until he gains his keyboard near the end of kh2 But if you watch that cutscene Terra see a older version of Riku, that version was kh2 riku, which leaves me to believe he saw the age appropriate riku that would use the keyblade for the first time. but yeah he can hold it but its not a riku keyblade its a sora keyblade, plus the whole terra thing with the keyblade inheritance ceremony.
  16. Guys I've got to be honest I take pride in knowing the whole plot of Kingdom Hearts, forgetting me not know who's keyblade Sora picked up in the KH3 trailer. But beyond that, I felt so smart after I explain EVERY Detail of the plot of Kingdom Hearts to my boyfriend and his friend. I even got them into the series, and after that I figured out more stuff to fill in the plot holes I had about the series. And whenever I do figure it out my immediate reaction is to tell you guys bit then I get scared. I think "someone has bound to have already figure this out, i don't want to feel like an idiot..." So how bout everyone say something they just figured out about the series here, that way we can all express our discoveries, even if someone already figured it out. I'll start out, i figured out that its actually Soras keyblade in kh1 because Riku has the Way to Dawn as his keyblade, not a kingdom key. And when he forcibly takes it from sora it doesn't turn into the way to dawn, still a kingdom key, a sora only weapon. So yeah i just know someone already knows this but oh well, to each his own i guess.
  17. My pride is in pain now, oh well i can never stand to watch walkthroughs, they put be to sleep. And I call all my friends bro but in no ways did i mean to offend, im a girl too btw. Hello fellow female im just weird like that.
  18. Ahh... thanks for that Intel I unfortunately never have been given the chance to play BBS or its final mix. But maybe its still Xehanorts, maybe he dropped it in the RoD on his desent to darkness. But Lea, you can also still talk about what you would like to see in the game bro
  19. Yeah, everyone is high on the happiness of having KH3 finally announced. Heck I think Im having a heart attack right now OvO
  20. I was in love the moment I saw KH3 first trailer. Then my mind immediately went on a rampage as the video played. I thought the CGI was gorgeous, and from what action we did see, Im hoping Square goes all out and makes this game the game others in the same genre look minuscule and be forever compared to KH3. Now what do you think will happen in this game, I know 1min and 30 secs, is not enough to supply info, plus the game is still in development. But what do you think will be in this game, gameplay and story wise. And what do you think they should change. I think there is something important about that keyblade Sora picked up, maybe that was Xehanorts back when he was good(ish) and lived on the Islands, and I also believe Square won't stop it there. I think that this might not be the end, or it is but a whole new adventure will begin as the credits role. Idk just my opinion, what do you think?
  21. I honestly never thought about KH3 being PS4, but I don't firetrucking care!!! I will gladly save up for both the game and the console. Will I get the console before the game release? Probably not, but gosh darnnit Im a firetrucking Otaku and I will get this game!!!
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