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About Destiny_of_a_Key_Bearer

  • Birthday 09/01/1995

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  • Member Title
    I'm not addicted, just attached.
  • Gender
  1. it would be awesome if you could play as each hero to defeat the opposite counterpart. Ex: lea vs isa
  2. it being online would be an amazing idea to play co operatively with friends, but online p v p would be a horrible idea...
  3. im just really excited to spend the first christmas with my girlfriend and i love christmas for what it is, a day of family gathering
  4. I haven't been on here for 5 moths O.O

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Light Guardian
    3. Javelin434


      You traded the opportunity of being on this site for 5 moths? DEAL! xD But seriously, welcome back!

    4. Destiny_of_a_Key_Bearer
  5. its cool, i thought it was pretty clever
  6. Happy New Year!!! ... Or was it happy kh day? Hmmm... Oh well, I'll get it right next time. Welcome to the site! Here's a period "."
  7. Don't lie, especially if your gonna get caught in the act.

    1. Roy


      I always get away since I look innocent and intelligent but I feel guilty afterwords

    2. Destiny_of_a_Key_Bearer


      Haha you're guilt will eat you up

    3. Destiny_of_a_Key_Bearer
  8. I'll feel pretty damn good knowing I just saved someone's life :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VanitasisKirby



      That is amazing! :D

    3. Weiss


      Whoa! :O

      That's pretty good!! :)

    4. Destiny_of_a_Key_Bearer


      It was really weird though and I almost hesitated too. She's made at me now but at least she'll be breathing.

  9. I think we're really broken up :,(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Destiny_of_a_Key_Bearer


      She gave me a letter and made me promise not to open it till I got home. I opened it at home and I was a farewell letter...

    3. Nora Valkyrie

      Nora Valkyrie

      o-o is she....ok? And Lee is sorry :(

    4. Destiny_of_a_Key_Bearer


      She's fine except that apparently she has too much on her plate for a bf. I really feel like some of her friends influenced her because I couple of her friends weren't that " accepting" of me. firetruck her friends... -.-

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