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Fenrir's Cloud

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About Fenrir's Cloud

  • Birthday 05/30/1997

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  1. Do anyone can tell me if agito xiii will come to us?
  2. Can any one tell me the best accesories set for shantotto? id bee very gratefull
  3. im soooo sorry hawk:'> (

    1. Hunter Hawk
    2. Fenrir's Cloud

      Fenrir's Cloud

      To be honest, in my summer vacation I left you various messages on your profile and I thought that you were ignoring me so I decided not to talk to you. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.

  4. How are you doing cuz :>)?

    1. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      All good thanks, and you? ^^

  5. How much longer will FFvxIII bee in development? dont send me links cause im on psp . please tell me more im a huge fan of ff
  6. I want FFVXIII already its been 6 years and no progress. Why!!!!! Why!!!!!.Can anybody tell my a reason why such delay!!!
  7. the one's who misunderstand me that's their problem but the one's who said that the earlier post was my opinion and their right and i dont deny it and that's what blogs are for to share your opinion about things even if some people misunderstand it
  8. all right im not makin a war its just that true kh lovers are tired of hearing about zelda... and in the first place zelda lovers keep talking about it and other people who would give their lives for kh are getting pissed off.About hearing the same tale over and over about zelda and their features. And who said i was comparing them the only thing i said was that ff and kh were better i did not said that zelda should screw up.
  9. Im soooory for posting this topic but i cant stand the truth about zelda. im kh13's most hated by elves. But you can't help but like me, so thanks for hating me! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png .Stay tuned cause tomorrow I'LL BE BACK!!! o.O
  10. I think i speak for all kh13 members that kingdom hearts and ff are wayyyyy better than zelda games.Okayyyy zelda came first and all but kh and ff has better combat,quality,and story i mean seriously in all zelda games you have to save hyrule and zelda over and over.But ff and kh have varying stories and more emotional moments.Sooo my people what side do you pledge your alliegance to? square enix army or the zelda clan??? o.O
  11. FF xiii is way better than almost any ff game ive played cause its music, battles,and bosses,its graphics are awsom 2
  12. sorry for telling this to the zelda lovers but i have to take this out of my chest.... FF MUSIC IS OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!!! JUST LISTEN TO BLINDED BY LIGHT, SABERS EDGE, AND NASCENT REQUIEM.!!!!!!! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png
  13. sorry for telling this to the zelda lovers but i have to take this out of my chest.... FF MUSIC IS OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!!! JUST LISTEN TO BLINDED BY LIGHT, SABERS EDGE, AND NASCENT REQUIEM.!!!!!!! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png
  14. My favorite anime characters are hawkmon from digimon,sasuke from naruto, misty from pokemon (only her pokemon!!!!),itachi from naruto,kagura from naruto (only her attacks)
  15. I saw an article on game informer about a possible numberd ff title it seemd interesting and looks like it would change the style of ff series but it looks like the game wont begin development any time soon.the demo is called agnis philosophy.tell me if you find new info on it please!!!!!!
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