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About prince_david

  • Birthday 07/13/1982

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  1. I recieved my Kingdom Hearts 3D strategy guide today!

  2. Really one of the best collector's editions I have seen and that's saying a lot. This has me so hyped. I am keeping my copy sealed as a reward for when I complete every other game in the series.
  3. http://amzn.com/0618964401 Well I have this set of 3 hobbit books, the two history of the Hobbit books are each longer than the Hobbit itself. I think these movies will be amazing and "epic" (in the truest sense of the word).
  4. Favorite: Malificent- She terrified me as a kid, and still does as an adult. She carries herself with such poise too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04O2oVjeOuQ Least Favorite: Medusa from the rescuers, just kind of dull
  5. Streaming Kingdom Hearts 1 on Twitch, come watch! http://www.twitch.tv/prince_david

  6. Welcome, you came to the right place.
  7. Had a very busy weekend after the whirlwind at Nintendo World.

    1. prince_david


      I will start streaming actively again KH1 tomorrow night.

  8. I was terrified of Banshees. I saw in class some Irish ghost story with a banshee and it still scares me to think of even today.
  9. Hello and welcome! This is a great community to join.
  10. Nice to meet you Shana! Hunchback is a very powerful movie to me. I love the story and characters, and Frolo is absolutely one of the creepiest characters I have ever seen. I can't wait to get to Dream Drop to play in that world.
  11. Here is me at Nintendo World's Dream Drop Distance KH3D Premier
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqjaZi5lVjU Here is a short recording of my stream inside.
  13. It was a lot of fun but they sold out of MoM in 2 min, they only had 50 copies and I didn't want the normal edition I still have a mom preorder. The people were great but wish they hadley merchandise and at least a free poster
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