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Everything posted by XxSoraxX128

  1. its grimy tho how riku was the only one who became the keyblade master, and when i saw sora moustache, i started dying, my parents thot i went crazy. and on the other note, WHO THE HELL IS JULIUS
  2. im soon to name my sora's "Kazuma" and riku's "Ryuho" from scryed
  3. FINALLY WOOOOOOT!!! <(–_–)› (^http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png)> <(http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png^)
  4. (goddamn you slow Ds) MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, ONLY ABOUT 1 HOUR LEFT, I CAN GET TO MY GAMESTOP IN ABOUT 5 MINUTES FLAT i dream about wanting to drop the time left into the distance
  5. ok, it is now 16 hours left till it is RELEASED, but what about shipping, and when stores are apen, so for me, its like 25 hours, eep, still a day...
  6. man, i really dislike how the ridhes on the bottom screen of the 3ds makes marks on the top screen, you can never get them off
  7. omigosh, im srry fr the spamming, my 3DS is slow, and i mistook it, thats what im doing this on becuz my comp is with my sis, i apologize fr the spam
  8. oh, then thats ok, and fr every on else, whats up with the friend code stuffs, would i intrude if i joined? oh, then thats ok, and fr every on else, whats up with the friend code stuffs, would i intrude if i joined? oh, then thats ok, and fr every on else, whats up with the friend code stuffs, would i intrude if i joined?
  9. Mason, the book bag is a bad idea, to put the ds in at least, put it in a case or your pocket because the screen could crack, and me, i got my 3ds last christmas
  10. the crappy thing is, i could cosplay as xion, but im a boy, i could go as zex, but my hair is black, and not gray
  11. ahhh, hopefully i dont wake up late on tuesday, i NEED to pick it up at gamestop, maybe ill stay up all night. its funny, when i get a game with a good story, i dont sleep until i die twice, it happened with me when i was playin mario B.I.S
  12. wait, new game + does NOT carry over your level though does it
  13. is the zero exp auto, or can you choose to have it like in bbs?
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