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Everything posted by khfan4life

  1. I really want to get 1.5+2.5 but not with all the bugs it's got ill just wait till there is another Update before buying it!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. goodman2008


      I haven't run in too any bugs the game is fine


    3. venxas24


      From what I've heard the majority are in KH2FM but I haven't played it to confirm or not yet

    4. rosco258


      yea i havent encountered any bugs in bbs. and im in postgame it runs great!

  2. I Think Yen Sid is the M.O.M...Because they can both see the future plus (Yen Sid) was a keyblade wielder but can't/ won't use it...why is that? ...not only that but the M.O.M would be really old by now... Also the M.O.M said (May Your Heart Be Your Guiding Key) Which According too Goofy is what Yen Sid would say too them before a really important Adventure.... I would really like too here what you all think.
  3. sooo this KH3 news needs too come now that they have me hyped up with that 0.2 ending....lol xP

  4. Maybe my copy is buged

  5. Ok is it just me or does 0.2 not fit on your Tv's just right ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. khfan4life


      i don't have that on mine


    3. Jake


      Do you have an HDTV? If so, every HDTV does. Just google what TV you have (on Overscan) and then fix it from there. If you have an LG TV, just change the resoluton from 16:9 to "Just Scan"

    4. khfan4life


      I have looked and looked and there is nothing and i have a "32" Philips...sooo idk what too do.

  6. Wow i have not been on here in soooooo long...well im back now!!

  7. If anyone wants to add me on your 3ds pm me.

  8. OMG!! I Can't Wait For 2.5 and KH 3!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gamerazor247
    3. Snow


      I don't even know why those corrections were necessary.

    4. khfan4life


      Thank u Snow!! thats what im saying!!

  9. add me on ps3 my psn is khfan2594

    1. Isaix


      what games do you play online?

    2. khfan4life


      cod,gta,red dead,max patne,

  10. I GOT MY NEW PS3!!!

  11. who thinks sora will become a keyblade master in kh3 ?

    1. Varnish


      I think that it is a given.

    2. khfan4life


      what if he dose and then he dies

    3. Varnish


      He will not die. Tetsuya Nomura would never let it happen.

  12. Should i get GTA 5 ?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. khfan4life


      first off I loved GTA: Vice City Stories.. Two if its better then gta4 im pretty sure ill like it.


    3. Saber Lily

      Saber Lily

      I think it is loads better. More vehicles, better story, the characters are unique, and I hate Trevor. Otherwise, it's awesome.

  13. so i should get my new ps3 this friday or next monday!!! I CANT WAIT!!

  14. well i got my copy and i still cant play it....THIS FING SUCKS!!! =/

  15. Nothing like five days left untill KH HD 1.5 and i have no ps3 to play it on cuz mine broke on me back on Augs 3!! :(

  16. Happy B-Day Too Me Tomorrow!!! =D

  17. Really need new friends.=/


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KHUndertaleFan25


      My birthday's on the 25th, too! Except i'll be 13.

    3. khfan4life


      THATS AWESOME!! And really 13!! That's a good age and Happy Birth-Day!! =)

    4. khfan4life


      THATS AWESOME!! And really 13!! That's a good age and Happy Birth-Day!! =)

  19. sorry i have been gone so long... but anyways is it just me but...I DON'T WANT MARVEL AND STAR WARS IN KH3!!

  20. Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix Out Sept 10!!!! xD

  21. COD:BPOS My PSN Is khfan2594

  22. i REALLY hope we get some new gameplay and maybe a new trailer !!
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