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Everything posted by TheStoner

  1. Overdrive is stronger than Ultima and easier to get though they are both post-game. I think the end of pain is the best keyblade you can get before the final boss. And the counterpoint is the best normally achieved keyblade.
  2. I'm pretty sure he didn't move outside of battle in TWEWY
  3. I enjoyed the story in this game more than I enjoyed the story the others though I never experienced BBS first-hand.
  4. Terranort ultimately became a heartless through his own will. I don't see how he wouldn't fit as a darkness.
  5. Yes along with Xemnas and Ansem SoD. Also we see a person in a cloak that looks identical to the KH1 Riku in Prankster's paradise.
  6. Lights: Sora, Riku, Mickey, Lea, Ventus, Aqua, Kairi Darknesses: MX, YMX, Ansem SoD, Xemnas, Xigbar, Siax, Terranort, Luxord, Vantias, Riku replica, ???, ???, ??? My best guesses.
  7. Special portals in the later worlds I believe.
  8. I am not too bothered about Sephiroth. I was just hooing for some kind of mysterious figure/the Unknown style boss.
  9. I was just given the abilty to create a Ursa Circus after recieving a Sudo Neku from the card. So it seems it is possible to get them all.
  10. I think you can sometimes get them from special portals in the last world.
  11. I believe they are: At least I think that's right
  12. 1. They are in the realm of sleep exploring worlds that have become trapped in sleep. They have been tasked with awakening the worlds as a means of testing and in order to gain the ability to wake those trapped in sleep. 2.From what I gather the Tron world is a part of a larger material world. Which is where Sam escapes to in Riku's version of the world. 3.The events are somewhat based on what really happend in the history of the world as shown in Sora's version of pranksters paradise where Sora learns how pinocchio ended up in monstro but it isn't a exact retelling. 4.It is when Xehanort became a heartless as evidenced by him saying that his name is now Ansem. 5. Yeh this is a bit unclear.
  13. I had the same problem until I decided to beat the game again and then I got the ending the next time I opened the menu.
  14. I have this for Riku. You just need to go back to where you have fought nightmare bosses and use the link portal (named secret portal) to fight a harder version of the boss. Do this for each special portal for that charcater and the Keyblade is yours.
  15. That's not true. Mickey lists 6 potential lights (Mickey, Sora, Riku, Terra, Ven, and Aqua) and hints that he knows of another. MX says that sora and 1 other from his list belong to MX. We know Sora was saved so he can rejoin Mickeys list but because MX already had 12 darknesses gathered the other must have already fallen and be in the room. The only character that fits this is Terra in the form of Terranort and so Terra is all but confirmed to not be 1 of the 7. So that leaves the list at 5. But when talking to MX micky hints that he has an idea who the other one might be and the only keyblade weilder that Micke knows to be active is Lea so I suspect he is the sixth and the seventh is hinted to be Kairi in the secret ending.
  16. Ansem the wise doesn't have the same colour eyes. His eyes are a browny orange colour.
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