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Everything posted by AirbagVII

  1. Without the Circle Pad Pro, the game plays very much like Birth by Sleep. So if you're used to BbS control scheme you should have no problems with KH3D.
  2. Hi everyody! Here is Part 2 of my Let's Play, hope you guys enjoy it! http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCo_np-5GnM&feature=plcp For some reason, the videos play much more smoothly when you watch them directly on Youtube. :huh: I also leave you the link to my playlist, in case you want to check it out: Parts 3 and 4 will be uploaded as soon as possible!
  3. Hi everybody! I have the English (European/PAL) Version of the game since the release day, but didn't have a chance to start playing the game until today. That's when I thought I could make a Let's Play of the game, and that's exactly what I'm doing right now. So here is Part 1 of my Let's Play/Walkthrough of Kingdom Hearts 3D. Hope you guys like it! I already recorded some other parts of the Let's Play which I'll start uploading right away. If you enjoy the quality of the videos, don't forget to like, favourite or even subscribe to my channel. It would mean so much to me! As soon as I upload the next episode, I'll tell you guys!
  4. Thank you guys! You really know how to welcome someone (and you even have cookies)...
  5. Hi everybody! I'm AirbagVII and I've been following the forum for a long time now, but I never registered... I'm a great fan of Kingdom Hearts (it's my favourite video game franchise) and, since KH3D just got released (at least in Europe), I thought it was the perfect time to join the forum and share opinions about the whole series with you guys. I hope I'll have a great time here! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
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