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About Magna

  • Birthday 10/03/1994

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  1. Nothing's perfect. KH3 won't be perfect either, nor does it need to be. It just needs to be satisfying. Cloud I can give or take, what I'd like is a couple of FF worlds to go alongside the Disney ones. Namely, I want some FFVI and FFIX. Lightning would be cool too. I do want multiple characters to play as... or rather, multiple parties. Considering 3D just came out in America, I'll leave it at that (can't be bothered geting spoiler tags).
  2. Flowmotion from 3D and reaction commands from KH2 plox.
  3. I didn't mind the story. In fact, I quite liked it in retrospect. But the gameplay was awful (the menu controls, camera and panel system being the worst offenders) and the story was divided up with annoying filler that didn't matter one bit. Most of the game wasn't experiencing the story, it was waiting for it. I mostly play games for the story, but that doesn't mean gameplay can't ruin a game with a decent story. Also, yes, I even liked Xion. I thought she was fun...
  4. My favourites are... 5. Hand to Hand 4. Untamable 3. Rinzler Recompiled 2. The Dread of Night 1. L'Oscurita dell'Ignoto (loved Darkness of the Unknown... so happy that little motif returned)
  5. My favourite is Dream Drop Distance. Least favourite is Days, but I haven't played any form of coded and chain of memories, so...
  6. I liked all the characters... but Riku stuck out as he's returned back towards his lovable smartass self like at the start of KH1.
  7. You have this links you have to cut in three slashes on the touch screen, then you do an awesome keyblade attack. It truly rocks.
  8. The World That Never Was, just like it was my fav in KH2. As for new worlds, The Grid. It was the most intensely and brilliantly done Disney world that I can remember. The integration of Rinzler being Sora's friend was awesome.
  9. "You're gonna get shown the door, old man." - Terra... so badass. "Keep trying to drive as apart with your mind games. It'll never work!" - Aqua. She's badass too. "Fine. Then I'll give you a reason to fight. Come and find me... at the one and only place to spawn the χ-blade, the Keyblade Graveyard. There, you're gonna see me choke the life out of Terra and Aqua. Then we'll see how long you play the pacifist." - Vanitas is an awesome villain. He strikes where it hurts. "You've done it, Ventus. Now that my body is about to perish, you and I will have to join together! The χ-blade will be forged!" - Vanitas. This was my favourite scene... when I saw his face, I could hardly believe my eyes.
  10. I've completed it, but some of the bosses are basically as hard as KH2 Sephiroth (or rather, I found them to be). Some of them took me 12+ tries. This was proud mode by the way. I'm too scared to try critical.
  11. Well I guess that's what happens with random theories, haha. Though I'd hardly watch an interview with spoilers two months before the game's release.
  12. "Keep trying to drive us apart with your mind games. It'll never work!"
  13. Seeing as the 13 Xehanorts come from throughout time, it's possible Terra might be on the opposing side (BBS Terranort from the past) and on the good side once we find him as well. As for the others, Luxord and Demyx could have been Xehanorted along with Saix (more likely Luxord as he was around just before Saix was slain by Sora). After all, they didn't show in Radiant Garden. Perhaps Vanitas is the keyblade wielder Xehanort has on his side. At the end of the day, it's Kingdom Heats; anything could happen.
  14. I hope it's on PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii U, so everyone can be happy. Personally, I'd buy it on Wii U.
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