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Danny Delic

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  1. Nah, it's like BBS. When you get the ability from an command, you got it permanent. There is a certain skill tree called the stat-abilities, which you need to have the DE's in your team to actually get the bonuses from it.
  2. http://wikiwiki.jp/kh_3d/?%CA%F5%CA%AA%A5%EA%A5%B9%A5%C8%2F%A5%B6%A1%A6%A5%B0%A5%EA%A5%C3%A5%C9 Translate with Chrome or Google Translate.
  3. I had much prefered a command list, since it is nowhere to be found. But thank you anyways, you are an awesome guy :>
  4. Can you please scan the command list, PRETTY PLEASE <33333333333 I am serious, PLEASE!!
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