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About Tealfox

  • Birthday January 8

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About Me

Well, I was introduced to Kingdom Hearts once I got 358/2 Days for the DS a couple years ago, so I sorta dived into the heart, so to speak, of the series without much background info. Despite my lack of knowledge, I became hooked! The story was the most touching plot I've ever seen fabricated! When I got my hands on Re;Coded, I was super excited to meet this "Sora." I know, some of you probably think "why on earth is he excited about Re:Coded?" Answer: because I haven't gotten to play KH I or II because I don't own playstation (strictly Nintendo here xD)


I've watched a bit of the playthroughs for I, II, BBS, and Re;Chain, and I spend a lot of my freetime looking through The Keyhole and Kingdom Hearts Wiki, so I have a more-than-basic knowledge of the plot at this moment. However, it's my goal to gain a complete understanding of this wonderful fantasy universe! I like to play video games because of the story; it's like reading a book, only you're playing it. And this series, by far, has the most captivating story ever. :D


Also, I'm an audiophile, and I gotta say, Yoko Shimomura has to be the most astounding game soundtrack composer in the world! Better than Koji Kondo or Hiroki Kikuta (even though they're both still good). I listen to all the KH soundtracks all the time. It's funny to be hooked to music from games you haven't played firsthand yet xD

Is Nintendophile a word, too? Cuz I'm pretty good with Nintendo Lore, too. My favorite series is Star Fox, sooo... yeah :) Kingdom Hearts ties with it as well, and Secret of Mana too :) (they need to bring back Secret of Mana somehow... our cartridge battery died so we can't save anymore :P And we only have 1 working Gamecube controller so we won't be able to play multiplayer on the Wii if we download it :P However, I wouldn't mind 1-player if they made a portable 3DS port...)


My favorite character has to be Sora, since my friends keep telling me I'm just like him; childish, naive, nice, and funny haha. Plus I also worry about friendships a lot, so in a way that makes me like him too :) Plus, my bestest bud likes Riku, so that's kinda cool how we can roleplay Sora and Riku :)


However, my OTHER favorite character has to be Zexion/Ienzo. If I had a dark half, he would most definately be Zexion, plus he's my favorite to play as on Days. Since my Facebook has Sora, I decided I'll have Zexion here :)

And I've finally recieved my Mark of Mastery from Amazon, and now I'm playing my heart out of it. :D

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