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About OneWingedFangirl

  • Birthday 04/15/1998

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  1. O.O That's Kain Highwind! You have Kain Highwind as your profile picture! KAIN FRICKIN HIGHWIND!!! :')

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      Haha, well I'm glad I could give you that bit of remembrance! IV is definitely an epic game, and my number one favorite entry in the Final Fantasy series! :D

    3. OneWingedFangirl


      Really? IV is also my favorite! Well after Crisis Core, but speaking about main titles IV is the one :D

    4. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      Haha, awesome! Ooh, yeah, Crisis Core is also sooo good! X_X

  2. Aww thank you so much for your kind words! ヾ(๑⃙⃘ ´ꇴ`๑⃙⃘)ノ Hurting my sight while coloring was worth it then haha!
  3. Here's my entry http://kh13.com/forum/topic/102659-entry-for-kingdom-hearts-28-giveaway-fanart/
  4. Hi everyone! This is my entry for the giveaway, hope you guys like it. This piece is probably 70% watercolor and the rest randomn materials I found on the way while creating it. Good luck to everyone participating!
  5. Yeeeah, He was one of my favorite characters, I actually tough that Hinata was the one being killed and when I saw the other page with Neji and all I cried so damn bad, maybe with Naruto SD I grew fond with him.... I don't know how am I goin' to see the lil' chibi series knowing that he's dead anymore :'/
  6. No no no.. the only song you need for that day is this one: I'm actually going to put it that day, my family hate it :33
  7. Hmm I don't know what will happend after the Xehanort saga but the only thing I know is that I'll still support the Kingdom Hearts Series no matter what!
  8. Do what I do when I can't beat a boss: Level Up like crazy (that's the key to succed) and maybe try to get another kind of mre powerful commands , I'm lvl 41 too but i plan to fight Julius until lvl 60 or something
  9. 'Yes, but I don't know if I'll be successful' And this... besides I only intend to collect the more powerful Dream Eaters or the ones that look more interesting to me and if I have time why not collect all of them FTW!
  10. I agree i really don't like his work in DDD, i would be happy if he had done his voice like in KH2, but i guess the change of the voice is just for all of these years, i mean in 10 years the voice can change y'know?
  11. Hi I'm Emily aka "OneWingedFangirl" from México, so i'm kinda "new", well actually i been visiting the site for a year but i don't know why i haven't create an account (maybe too lazy ), anyway i looooooove Kingdom Hearts (being a fan since 5 years ago) and hope we all get well. :lol:
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