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Everything posted by mikethegamer

  1. man i got excited when I heard they redid some of the text scenes from Days into HD. I hope we get an actual trailer before TGS ends.
  2. A secret endning in CGI about KHIII would be nice. Also fixed camera angles in KH1. Maybe more secret bosses. I wouldn't be upset if there weren't any new ones.
  3. I assume it will because it was hinted at in the American version of KH:DDD's Secret Message.
  4. Butthurt Kingdom Hearts Fans...You are the source of ALL heartless.
  5. wait, so you think the PS3 isnt worth the money, even though it's the system the HD Remix is actually coming out on? Don't forget that you can buy a used PS3 cheaper than a Wii U, and wait for the Wii U's price to drop.
  6. I would think most people who have been fans of the KH series for a while would have at least considered buying a PS3 with the possibility that KHIII or an HD collection would be released on it. Besides, I'm sure Nintendo won't be releasing any "classic" frachsies for a while. That'll give you time to save up for a Wii U or PS3 or whatever it is that you don't have. If you don't have a PS3, buy one used.
  7. Just hit him a lot. And if you keep dying then go level up a bit http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png
  8. well I was spoiled on all the bosses except for the Anti-Black Coat so my expression didn't change at all when encountering them.
  9. Nah I doubt they would do that. They'll just use the same english audio like they did in the original FM. They just used old Sora lines from earlier in the game.
  10. BBS will probably end up getting released with KH2, because if they were REALLY trying to re-release the games in chronological order, they would have put BBS with KH 1.5. But then even THAT doesn't make sense because then the title 1.5 would need to be changed since BBS is BEFORE KH1. So maybe a re-release of BBS FM alone for the PS3 as KH:0 cause it's not fitting into any of these collections.
  11. Dont forget about that kH MMO thing. they might release that after the first HD Remix comes out.
  12. Maybe inbetween HD Remixs, that KH MMO will come out and that will count as the KH game for whatever year it comes out.
  13. I was a little dispointed when I found out Days was just going to be cutscenes, but I guess the fact that we get KH:FM, KH: Re:CoM and Days' cutscenes in HD with trophies kinda makes up for that. I'm gonna Platnium EVERY KH game
  14. Oh thank you God! I am SO ready to fork over $40 bucks for this. Maybe the PS Store will FINALLY get some Kingdom Hearts Avatars...
  15. For PC Browsers?? So maybe it's an MMO? I probably won't play it since it won't be too important to the story. I'm hoping for a port of KH Mobile just because I wouldnt want a KH MMO. But that's just me.
  16. I'd rather not have flow motion back. I prefer the old fashioned way of getting around...Dodge rolling everywhere. *rolls off to next thread*
  17. It'll get here when it gets here....even if it's 20 years. Also I thought there were plans to release Type-0 over here. I thought they were remaking it for the Vita or something...Not sure where I read it though.
  18. Man time flies. I remember getting the game and not playing it. The disc eventually broke and later on I got back into the series thanks to the mangas. I was too young to appreciate Kh1 and KH2 for the amazing games that they were though, but I liked them anyways. My parents surprised me with CoM one Christmas and I loved it. When I heard about Days I was so excited. Finally! A true KH experience on the go! I got it on my birthday and played it nonstop, always thinking, What a great game! This is incredible! BBS came along afterwards, and my excitement doubled! 'Days was a KH experience no doubt, but BBS! That'll definetely be a TRUE experience!' Seriously, I was so hyped for BBS i had a dream where the clerk in GameStop gave me a copy of the game months before it released. I even put Japenese footage of the game onto my PSP and pretended to play it. BBS was the first game I ever bought day 1. Also the first game I ever forked over 40 bucks for (totally worth it btw). Again, I played it, and loved it! Re:Coded came out and although I wasnt as excited for this as I was for BBS, I enjoyed it and thought it to be a pretty entertaining game. The DDD arrived but I just wasn't as hyped for the game as I was for BBS. Still, I played it and enjoyed it greatly. These past 10 gaming years have been a blast thanks to Kingdom Hearts. I haven't ever followed a videogame series as closely as this one. Kingdom Hearts is without a doubt, my favorite videogame series. Every KH game has been a great one in my eyes. Sure they have their flaws and I acknowledge them when I play them over again, but they don't ruint the experience at all for me. I'll probably keep playing Kingdom Hearts as long as they keep making the games.
  19. well when I first played Days I was so amazed at having a true KH experience on the go that I didn't notice any of the flaws it had. I notice them now, but they don't bother me as much as they should. Seriously when I first got the game I played non-stop and loved every minute of it
  20. Terra's voice actor in BBS was pretty TERRAble.....*waits for aplause.*
  21. Nah I'm not getting one. I usually stick to Nintendo's handhelds rather than their consoles.
  22. Probably bragging rights....although TAV and Eraqus seem to be the only people living in the Land of Departure so....they're bragging to the Disney characters?
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