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Everything posted by mikethegamer

  1. 1st Video-Pretty awesome. I could see that as a final boss fight. 2nd Video-Sounds Sora's gonna drop a few beats on Xehanorts bald head!....but no that song wouldn't fit a KH3 final boss -__- 3rd Video-Also fits as a final boss theme. I think we won't be disapointed when we finally get to play KHIII though. Here's another video I found that had some pretty awesome "final boss" music. I didn't make it btw. I thought this song was really good.
  2. Least favorite? The New Super Mario Bros. Series. It just seems like they keep releasing the same game over and over and i'm getting sick of it. Call of Duty is another series I don't like because it also seems to release the same game year after year.
  3. Minato cause you know...power of the universe and stuff
  4. yea I don't like digital copies. For space issues and because I like having a physical box to put on a shelf next to my other physical boxes. ^__^
  5. Nothing wrong with some remasters of good games I'd like a Pyshconauts HD remaster. That game was pretty fun, but I think it got overshadowed by Halo when it first came out so it didn't do too well. I'd also like a Medievil 2 remaster. Or at least have it put on the PS Store. Also maybe a better Silent Hill HD collection.
  6. Well quick time events on a first time playthrough are a pain. Especially in a game like Uncharted 2 where it's meant to be cinematic. Actually, any first time playthrough of any Uncharted game has had numerous deaths where there'll be a set piece going off and I'll die because I couldn't find the linear path to escape -_- I also hate it when a game throws its entire mythology at me and confuses me horribly. That's usually only JRPG's that do that. I also hate scripted battles. Well I don't exactly hate them once I realize it's scripted, but when it's a first time playthrough and a scripted battle sequence happens and I think I'm going to lose I start to panic. Persona 4's final boss did that to me. It nearly gave me a heart attack.
  7. Well out of the handfull of PS1 games I've played, my favorite is probably Klonoa: Door to Phantomile. That was a pretty cool game.
  8. I have a feeling it will be connected to the cast of P4 and/or P3. I just hope it's announced soon.
  9. well until Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD comes out (lol jumping the gun ftw), I'm gonna say Uncharted 2. That was one of my first PS3 games and it really showed me what I was missing out on on that generation of gaming. (motion blurrrrrrrr)
  10. KH2 right off the bat. If I couldn't choose a KH game it'd be a tie between Persona 3 and Persona 4....oh and Pyshconauts (probably misspelled that.)
  11. What I want to see at E3: -KH1.5 New Trailer with new footage -SOMETHING to do with Versus XIII (or possibly XV if it's been renamed) -Uncharted 4 (though not likely because of TLOU) -Persona 5(again not likely..) -FFX/X-2 HD(aren't they coming out in the summer or something?)
  12. Sora should be in there. I'm glad Sir Daniel Fortesque made it into the roster. It shows Sony hasn't forgot about him. Although I'm not expecting a Medievil 3 anytime soon
  13. Well I'm pretty sure it isn't connected to the main series when it comes to story. There might be a few easter eggs here and there that reference the other games, but otherwise its a stand alone game.
  14. First time i played it i didn't tear up because i wasn't an emotional person at the time. a few years later when i was watching the cutscenes i did tear up at the scene between Axel and Xion at the Mansion and Xions death. (also I thought this was going to be a thread with ranting about how Xion's voice actor in the English KH1.5 trailer "killed" Xion or something )
  15. from what i heard they sound great. i only heard tracks from the beginning of the game though.
  16. Im actually more excited for 2.5 than I am for 1.5. I'll still buy both but KHIIFM and BBS(FM?) on the PS3? That's just awesome! Oh and Re:Coded cutscenes...meh. I hope they just leave it as cutscenes and not turn it into a playable game. I don't really wanna play through Re:Coded again.
  17. Well considering I dont know when the game will be coming out for USA it doesn't really matter i guess. The co-op would be fun to try with a friend though.
  18. Im sick of Alice in Wonderland. I hope the worlds that keep getting reused dont come back unless they have better storylines.
  19. I didn't think Disney made games with violence in them.
  20. I'm sure I'll pick it up again for nostalgias sake and then remember how tedious it was and put it back down again only so i can pick it up again in another 2 years and repeat the process.
  21. Oh boo hoo. You've had at least 4-5 years to get a PS3, and in that time it never occurred to you that a KH game would eventually come out on the PS3, a Sony console? Remember the series started out on the PS2, a Sony console, so it would make sense for it to eventually come back to one. ALSO remember, that all the important games have come out on SONY systems, so it would have been wise to think that an important KH game would eventually come out on a SONY console (KHIII on the PS3 possibly or in this case a remaster, although its not exactly important). So it's your own fault for ignoring the obvious signs of a KH game coming to the PS3.
  22. What if the next HD ReMIX is subtitled 2.5+? Kinda like KH2: FM+. The + stood for Re:CoM which was included along with KH2 FM. The + for this collection could represent BBS. Thoughts?
  23. Well I'd LIKE to get a PSV, but my 3DS is still fairly new so I'm not gonna ask for one.
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