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Everything posted by PublicLibraryx

  1. I... I... I just imploded from disappointment. Edit: This must be real! Maybe it's just a... concept for what it might have looked like heehehhhehehehuhuuhehue
  2. Front page*Oh right then. I DUNNO ANYTHING THEN BUT SEEING AS IT'S APRIL FOOLS i just assumed *Isurehopeit'llbeasidegamelolxD:D*
  3. I'm pretty sure this would have been in the main news feed if it was real.
  4. Fantasia is probably my most favourite Disney movie. If you don't know what Fantasia is then I... i just...*facedesk*. Though I assume most of us know what Fantasia is
  5. I was 9~ But I didn't get my own copy till I was 11, along with my own ps2
  6. I'm using a Vst plugin, it's called Magical 8-bit and it's free~
  7. Yeah so I dunno, I guess I started on one song in 8-bit. Not sure if i'll do more.. If I have time. But anyway, here's a bit of my version of 'Dark Impetus 8-bit Remix' (Because it's not finished yet.) For some reason sound cloud doesn't wanna work for me so I dunno if it even works. https://soundcloud.com/publiclibraryx/dark-impetus-8-bit-remix
  8. NothingbecausenomuraisacomedianandhewasjokingaboutthenestsagalolxD:D
  9. Isn't there something like this in Bayonetta?
  10. I was stumped on the time travel thing for a bit but after watching that cut-scene a few times I get it.
  11. Well I more or less play a game everyday, but I never get joy out of it :CCCCC
  12. The more the merrier. I do agree that they should invest more time in making the game a little more better, but I don't mind where it's at really.
  13. I agree with 2 or 3 of your points, but I use D-Links all the time. Despite some of it's flaws, it still sits at the top of my list, only because of the story.
  14. 2.5, I don't care that it's not official yet
  15. BBSFMKH2FMDDDKH1FMDaysRe:CoMRe:CodedKHχ (If it counts)I never played coded but I have seen all the gameplay..
  16. Yeah it's fairly obvious. But it's just the way the characters designed that kinda.. makes it look.. I dunno. But yeah, it's obvious.
  17. At least they made it work though. A lot of games look shitty when they use mocap.
  18. Oh Lord, please let this happen. I'm already having withdrawals.
  19. Well because of all the Xehanorts that travel through time, trigger events that happen through out the game. And the timeline between KH1, Days and CoM all overlap each other in one way or another. after that it's pretty simple.. ish.And for some people, the Kingdom Timeline isn't that simple, even if they've played all the games. Though of course, Nothing can compare to the Zelda timeline, holy damn.Wait... What actually IS this timeline? /google!Oh.. well this is exciting.
  20. Oh! That explains why most of the stuff in Sora's first dream were all Disney and Mickey shaped, Like the Staff and... the sheild?? and.. sword. I don't know.
  21. The only difference to Chain of Memories is that it's more or less turn based, And the cards that are in your deck are chosen at random during battle ,_. So you don't have to do anything during battle except (I think) Click on the enemy after they've attacked. Though you usually get the first attack anyways. It's a neat game that helps pass time i guess.
  22. All the final bosses are usually easy.. probably because you go through the whole game levelling up in preparation of the final boss.. KH1 was the only one I had trouble with, but it got easy after a while.
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