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Everything posted by PublicLibraryx

  1. They need change the damn opening songs. Passion/Sanctuary, Hikari/Simple and Clean are all awesome songs, but y'know.. over used to the max.
  2. Dancers. I like going all final form on them. All over them. All.. Over.. But yeah, they suck. I hate dancers.
  3. 1. Xehanort2. Xehanort3. Xehanort4. Xehanort5. Xehanort6. Xehanort7. Xehanort 8. Xehanort9. Xehanort10. Xehanort11. Xehanort12. Xehanort 13. Xehanort"Thriteen Xehanorts"
  4. Sora's Dream outfit looked like Pajamas to me. Which vaguely makes sense since he's in the 'sleeping worlds' throughout the game. But still. I wonder if we'll ever see the dream eaters again. Dammit, we need more Nomura Interviews. Even if he can't talk about what's to come, he can still Vaguely answer them. Vaguely Vague.
  5. Marluxia guided them there. Organization XIII can go almost anywhere.
  6. Sora does because everyone's a Keyblade Master. Donald and Goofy are the best Keyblade Masters
  7. Being a Keyblade Master means you can do what you want.
  8. Horse? LOL That's a Human. (Based off Pony)
  9. Hm, nah, I studied Japanese for 7 years though, i'm not very good at it still, but I still remember what I learned.
  10. Oh awesome~ Good luck with that.
  11. Hehe, I know Maybe I might make Aqua the main character of my interpretation of KH3 and Kill all the other characters off because fanfiction.
  12. Hey guys so i'll only post my best pieces here. I know, I know.. Don't worry, i'll try not to intimidate all of you with my superiority in artistic skill, but please don't be jealous. I made a little bit of Fanart, and please don't be shy to speak up and slap on some constructive criticism down below this post. [i'll probably add some real art pieces later on but right now, i'm busy [but that up there is really a gap filler]. I'm bored so i'm making an art thread so I don't have to make one later.. Ik I just want my post count to go up, because everybody knows that post counts matter, more that what people think of you Oh And don't take this seriously.] But anyway, I think my art has more depth than Namine, and i feel like my art will be more understandable to a more wider audience. Thanks for you OPANJONS. despite it's sillyness, it still counts as creative media lolo.
  13. Hmm, but Sora doesn't rely on Ventus' heart to wield a Keyblade, if that's what you were implying in Sora's part of the story. Sora weilds his own Keyblade, while his Second Keyblade belongs to Ventus. So Sora's ability to Dual Wield would disappear, unless he can find a way to dual wield without another heart, but i doubt it.
  14. Yeah I have, looks the same to me cause internet quality. Can't wait to see it in True HD though when it's released here. Then I can see it on my own TV.
  15. yeah it did But yeah, I agree Flowmotion would go great in this stage, especially against the chameleon thing. That boss was also butts
  16. I'm glad Deep Jungle wasn't in any of the other games. That world was Butts
  17. There were others but I lost interest in most of them because people became nuggets.
  18. You could, but Kingdom Hearts Timeline is coming soon.... But it's up to you! Do what you want really~
  19. Same age. It's been less than a year since I joined.
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