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Everything posted by PublicLibraryx

  1. KH1: NoneKH1 (FM): NoneRe:CoM: One of the MANY times you have to fight RikuKH2: XaldinKH2 (FM): Demyx (Digital)BBS: (Terra: Terranort) (Ventus: None) (Aqua: None)BBS FM: Haven't gotten that far yetCoded: Never PlayedRe:Coded: Never Played358/2 Days: Never got far enough (The cartridge disappeared somehow..)KH3D: (Riku: Ansem fight No. 2) (Sora: The Boss at Notre Dame <--- Because of this, I didn't play the game for 3 months, though I already finished it on proud, this was on Critical Lvl.1)
  2. Well that's good! But i'm getting a PS4 anyway because reasons (and not good ones)
  3. What happened to the graphics! When did square make this drastic transition into the future of gaming? I'm so pumped! This is why i'm saving up for a PS7.
  4. Yeah, I guess if that's the case then we will have to expect it on the ps4. Oh well I'm already saving up
  5. Just 'cause the PS4 is being released at the end of this year, it doesn't make it certain that the PS3 will become a dead console o.O; Long after the PS3 came out, games were still being released on the PS2 like 2 or 3 years after. Same for PS1 and PS2. They only recently stopped manufacturing PS2 consoles. And isn't it like... 1 KH game a year?
  6. It would be cool to have the command deck back, but I don't think it matters, as long as it's playable~ Maybe he might add like a mini command reel for spells or something? who knows. But I personally don't mind if they revert to the KH1 and KH2 command menu.
  7. I know a lot about kingdom hearts, but I am completely fine with this. I really don't mind playing KH1 again, and the fact that it will be translated into English for the first time ;n; I had to play through the whole game in japanese and god damn was it frustrating. But Playing is better than watching imo. It makes me feel more involved in the story.
  8. Oh geez, I would hate to imagine how many trophies there'll be in 2.5 o3o I'll end up wasting my life trying to get the two platinum trophies (Assuming there will be two) like I always do on other ps3 games.. :I
  9. Well at least Tangled gave them a good reputation.. but I will miss the old style..
  10. No it wouldn't, because people (Who haven't played KH2 FM+) will want to know about the Lingering Will's story and Xehanorts past story, as his name first appears in KH2. You need a reason to have these elements in the game, so a back story would make the most sense, as it gives players a better understanding on how these things fit into place, why things 'are' and in BBS's case, how things will 'be'.I don't get how you don't see that. I don't understand how you don't think having a game that can clear up so much of the story, won't make any sense just because of the timeline. Besides, Re:Coded would also makes sense if it came after BBS because it has more vague information about the Terra, Aqua and Ventus, not stating their names in the game but referring to them as three people, while Namine mentions the connection Sora has to them. People who haven't played BBS will be like.. WTF!! WHAT THREE PEOPLE!? I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT NAMINE, YOU SILLY! BWAHBWAHBWAAAAAAHH. But yes. KH2 and Re:Coded are the two ends that make BBS make sense. Those three games together would make a good trilogy with a lot of back story and continuity. So i'm afraid your argument is invalid, until the collection actually comes out, then I won't be able to count on the fact i'm right, but i'm sure I am. Then DDD will come out on a new console when people are living on Mars or something.
  11. No. The timeline doesn't even matter. What matters is how the story is told, opposed to how they fit into the timeline..
  12. I was bored and into Kingdom hearts, so i found this place where i can be bored and into kingdom hearts some more.
  13. I was talking about the connections between BBS and KH2, and why I think it would make more sense if they go in the 2.5 collection together. Because it's a prequel, so it gives us a little back story about how everything falls into place.
  14. I have no idea how many times i posted it, but no one seems to take notice ._.'
  15. But it doesn't matter that it makes no sense according to the timeline because KH2 would give players more understanding of what to expect in BBS, and Terra's armor is in KH2 FM, i'm sure someone playing KH2 will want to see who it is and why it's there? It just makes sense.
  16. Notre Dame stage -~- The boss on that stage just pissed me off so much.. mainly for riku..
  17. Even though it would make sense if they put KH3D on there, BBS would also make sense since there are various hints throughout KHII FM+ that lead us back to the story of BBS. But I do agree that they should put KH3D cutscenes on there.
  18. Well.. considering the possibility of Parallel universes, it might not seem so bad!
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