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Everything posted by Oniaku

  1. Bravely Default, Resident Evil Revalations, Kid Icarus Uprising, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D, Meatl Gear Solid 3D: Snake Eater, Tales of the Abyss, Chrono Trigger (for DS, but still), and Final Fantasy Theatrythm.
  2. Dinobots man. This gunna be good. Hopefully.
  3. This is everything I had hoped it would be,
  4. Huzzah! I have a computer again.

  5. I am without a computer of my own again. This is disappointing.

  6. I like your plays on words, continue, please.
  7. I only get the right amount of sleep if I don't have to work the next day, because I always go to sleep about 3am.
  8. It was a good challenge. I felt proud.

    1. Xiro


      Nope *throws a dart at it*

    2. Philip Ellwell
  10. Guess who's copy of Neon Genesis Evangelion got here today?! This guy's! DON'T ANY OF YOU DARE SPOIL ANYTHING FOR ME. I AM ONLY AT EPISODE 14, AND IF YOU SPOIL IT I WILL GAAAAAAH

    1. Philip Ellwell

      Philip Ellwell

      After episode 14, guess what?

      Episode 15 starts!

    2. Oniaku




  11. I'll get one if there's ever enough games I want to justify it.
  12. The... the duck... I am laughing so hard at it.
  13. Yes it did, Final Fantasy III came out for the DS quite some time ago.
  14. Dat Xemnas. Thank you, you wonderful person.
  15. If you really want to feel old, think of this: DVD's have been around for over 10 years.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Oniaku


      Huh. Well, I never knew that. Still, over 10 years, and not over 20, so I will consider myself correct.

    3. Sora96
    4. Oniaku


      Yeah, okay. You're more correct, but I'm still correct too.

  16. Isn't it weird that with the simple press of a button we can see and watch the dead live? A simple video can preserve you for longer than you'll be around. Just a thought.

    1. Javelin434


      And now technology is progressing to the point that storing everything in your pink noggin is possible, into a data-stick. Imagine the horror, or possibilities...

    2. Oniaku


      Or both. We have come so far in the past century.

  17. In regards to Bioshock--While not necessary, I would recommend that you play Bioshock 2 before Bioshock Infinite.And my vote is for you to get Bioshock.
  18. Gosh. I need a new Laptop, this one can barely run this site anymore.

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