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Everything posted by OmegaForte

  1. $10 from the black Friday deal. Already quit and uninstalled it, so no big loss+already have my JP account to fall back on. Speaking of JP, around $40 since their VIP deals are way better.
  2. Yet again another American figure company, yet no Japanese/any other figure company that can actually sculpt.
  3. Already pre-ordered her. (And at a much lower price than the official NA store.) Can't wait for July to come!
  4. Preordered best grill, Aqua. *Waits impatiently for July to come*

    1. Xiro


      shillz for the grillz B)

    2. OmegaForte


      You already know

  5. *Squeals* I've never hit a preorder button so fast. Edit: Still trying to hit the button. Real talk though, she looks much more beautiful than the pics took back in February.
  6. Well at least this means I have an easier time to buy one in the future.
  7. This. I don't understand why SE is so anal about handing out their licenses to Japanese companies, but fine on doing so for NA ones.
  8. Volume was meh. That's all I'm going to say.
  9. Do I even have to say it? I'm still waiting for her pre-orders to open...
  10. Nope. Not until there's a good bundle or a game I want to play. (Which isn't until at the very least SMO)
  11. I see "Ju" as a release date. That soon? Whether or not a release date, one thing is for sure; instant preorder.
  12. It's finally happening! Aqua! http://myfigurecollection.net/item/543137

    1. KeybladeMasterBalo
    2. Iris


      Indeed! Good luck if you plan on buying her. Unfortunately I might not buy the Aqua figure. Not until I have money. QwQ

    3. OmegaForte


      Thanks, I plan on preordering her as soon as they open.

  13. The final OSTs of 0.2... SO GUD!

  14. Best episode of the volume. I found this way more interesting than... Well that story of light and darkness... Ugh. Smol Lie ren and Nora though. Much respect.
  15. If only this medal wasn't outclassed by Dolan, I'd be hyped. Still good for proud mode.
  16. The reason I got into the Fate series was thanks to myfigurecollection with all the beautiful Saber figures. Once I saw her, I had a feeling I'd like her character and the anime as well, so I said wynaut? Once I watched the anime, Saber competes for waifu status was awesome af. (And cute! Look at this!) I like sword girls, and Saber is like the best of the best sword girls ever. On to the anime, I have watched FSN, UBW, and Zero. I have to give it to Zero when it comes to the best because of how the story and characters got fleshed out. Also Saber... I'm not crying... Anyways I'm looking forward to HF route. You have no idea how much I want to read it, but I'd much rather watch it now that it's so close. Edit: Also forgot to mention that I'm trying to expand my knowledge on the Fate universe. Going to also watch GO OVA when I have time. Last, I've also watched Carnival Phantasm (need moar) and have a few Fate figure. (Slowly trying to expand on that.)
  17. It's been there since the dawn of Youtube.
  18. Pretty much what most said here. There's at best 3 games I'm remotely interested in, and one of them I can simply buy on the Wii U. I'm definitely not going to rush in for a pre-order. I'll wait for a holiday deal or till there's a bundle that's interesting. I'm not losing anything from not buying it on day 1.
  19. The end of 2016 and of course, the food and drinks with my family! Glad to have enjoyed the festives.
  20. An hour late, but Happy New Years!

  21. Let's see... -PJs -Boxers -T-shirts -$100 -And got myself a Jeanne D'arc Nendoroid. Overall glad with what I got. Hope ya had a great Merry Christmas!
  22. Anything. Being an adult, you appreciate anything you can get.
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