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Nermin Colakovic

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Everything posted by Nermin Colakovic

  1. In the translated part they mention "That" character as a new outfit or something
  2. Wow! That's a nice deck you got there, I really want that Riku O.o
  3. In what union are you? Also, do you know if we can add friends/use a search option for a party?
  4. Hi Caleb At the moment I don't really see any possible improvements except for maybe synthesizing haha, also, you can't use assists in battle, assists just give you extra health haha . Nice KH2 Sora btw ... I want that!
  5. Hey guys, I thought it might be a good idea to make a topic where you can show off your cards/decks and maybe ask for some advice on how to construct your deck and on which cards to use. I'll start first This is my current deck : So yeah, excited to see your decks!
  6. I'm also in Red Unicorn, lv 11 at the moment!
  7. Aren't those also Unversed? And maybe are Unversed Heartless but with a different name
  8. Hmmm, well if i'm right you can't get to those boxes when fighting Julius, you might just want to beat Julius
  9. OH I KNOW WHERE THAT IS, yeah what that guy said, use the catapult to fire a dream eater (which isn't there anymore because of julius ) or just throw a barrel
  10. Hmm i see, then you just really gotta try to stay in flowmotion, stay as high as possible
  11. So do i have to print them out? because they don't work via the pc to my 3DS, but it might be because the color of my PC screen looks different on my ds O.o
  12. Hmmmm i have every chest with RIku in TT but i don't remember a chest behind the barrels, let me check it.
  13. I was referring to Julius i think you can stun him with Dark Barrier, or Dark Aura? Forgot the name but i have it too with Riku, you can get it in the Medal Shop (Flick Rush at the colliseum in the 4th district)
  14. What difficulty are you playing on and what lv are you? And with who do you plan beating Julius.
  15. Spirit menu, it's somewhere below where those games are for the spirits, it's the paint gun thingy
  16. There's one thing i don't get.... WHY DIDN'T THAT GUY GET firetruckING BLOCKED< firetruck youtube, they really hate me
  17. Yes you can, Cite les cloches, well i dunno how to write it but it's the Hunch Back of the Notre Dame and you're on top of the Notre Dame
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