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Everything posted by Neriku_nt

  1. Kingdom hearts 3d: one very great video game. Oh how happy I was to get to play another kingdom hearts game. And boy, did it live up to expectations. I have just had so much fun with this game it's not funny. The combat is definitely the best in the series so far, being very fluid and responsive. There are just so many options when battling in the game. Should I use flowmotion? Should I use reality shift or maybe just a command? It's great! This choice is what makes the combat just awesome. The inclusion of the dream eaters is a welcome one. Caring for and advancing with your dream eaters is an option that is new, and it is nice to bond to your little spirits. Getting on to the story, and yet again it is great. Twists and turns at every point, adding to the already marvelous plot. The inclusion of the drop system is a nice way of switching between sora and riku, however it can be annoying in boss fights. Both sides of the plot flow along nicely, with new Disney worlds, which are all fantastic. Overall this new entry in the series is much more than welcome. It adds plenty of new stuff while regaining all the things the series is known. Being sucked in whenever playing a video game signals a great game. And kingdom hearts 3d is just that. 9.5/10
  2. My only problem with it is in boss fights. Even if it adds more awareness to how long you're taking. But at Any other time, it works great. Being able to have two very different experiences at the same time is a nice addition. But as other people have pointed out, it gets annoying when exploring.
  3. on rikus boss On the grid, I was ten seconds away from dropping when I beat it. Intense stuff
  4. Friend Code is 2535-3939-1235 message if you did add me
  5. I liked it. There were parts that were a little off but still I liked it. And the sewer line I think was meant to be a reference to the shibuya river from twewy. ( plus seeing the twewy characters made it ten times better! )
  6. Yeah I'm sure we will see a few more of these pointless idiotic reviews in the future. I'm not worried, I can't wait!
  7. Hey guys I'm new here, but I thought I should share this review. Every negative spells hater to me: http://www.metro.co.uk/tech/games/905488-kingdom-hearts-3d-dream-drop-distance-review-oh-mickey
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