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Everything posted by KHMasta

  1. So, how would we update game when patches roll in? Play Store doesn't recognize it as registered so it won't receive the updates
  2. Love to but... I got school and stuff. Besides, I'm getting the game on my birthday, so I'm making the wait worth it.
  3. SONY WON! SONY WON!!!! KH3 4EVAR!!!!...did they announce that it's a sony exclusive or not? Many people have said they've seen the XBOX logo on it...

  5. I usually lift some dumbbells during loading times or cutscenes...so yeah.
  6. I finally brought KHHD 1.5!!!

  7. This is a pretty good game. I don't like the fact that it uses cards as a battle system, but, eh, it's still pretty good. However, please don't hate me for saying this, I feel like this should have been a mobile game. Just the feel and the interface of it makes it feel more like a mobile game than a PC game. Heck, there's a mobile game I'm currently playing that's very similar to this. You fight monsters, get exp, all while using cards as main battle system. Overall, it's a good game, just not fit for the PC browser genre.
  8. You're kidding me, these guys are part of the game too!? http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/5643/ohcmon.jpg

    1. Weiss


      they can never be escaped

    2. dusk


      but they are the best heartless :l

    3. Shera Wizard

      Shera Wizard

      *shakes belly at u



  9. PLaying the Beta of chi...I don't understand anything! :D

  10. That feeling when you get accepted as a Beta Tester. :)

    1. Oishii


      Congrats ^^

    2. Ienzo88755


      METOO! It's awesom!

    3. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek


  11. You know, I'm somewhat happy Alantica isn't a main game world in KH2. Swimming phyics and battle controls do not work well.

    1. Zola


      Ah, memories. >:}

  12. Teen Titans. I know that's getting a somewhat sequel coming spring, but that's just going to like the comedic shorts like they have currently on the DC Nation. No, I want a true sixth season. I want to know what happened to Slade after he got his body back. I want to know if the Justice League is actually in this universe. And, more importantly, I want to know how the F did Terra get un-stoned and why she has no memories at all. There is a comic that somewhat explains it, but vaguely. Come on DC Studios, bring it back!!!
  13. Square, you're making me sad!

    1. Rob


      Just trolled us

    2. Shana09


      I kinda like that Xion-girl game.

      I need to find out more about it though. =/

  14. I think only some games do that. I'm not sure however.
  15. May!?!? So wait, is that a confirmed release date or what?
  16. The first time? I took The Staff and gave up the Sword...I don't remember why. And after then, I would switch around. Currently on my...5th playthrough, I chose the Shield and gave up the Staff.
  17. Today I learned that the PS3 is not region locked...OMG YES!!!!!!

  18. I want to say it was because Sora visited them before and he was just redoing Sora's journey, but then I realized that idea wasn't made until KH3D. So who knows.
  19. Let's just say...it has to do with a bed. That's all I'm going to say.
  20. Here's to hoping they don't mess this arc up either.
  21. Gangnam Style with Mudkip....I'm okay with that
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