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Everything posted by Hippy

  1. Mines Traverse Town ! It's peaceful, brings back fond memories playing KH1 as a child, and its soundtrack is out of this world!
  2. The most well done video i've ever seen! Whether if you're a Disney fan, Kingdom Hearts fan, or a mix of both! You'll be inspired by this video! Enjoy. Don't forget to share this video with your friends! Thanks.
  3. I haven't played it yet, but idk if im going to like the drop system...
  4. Alright, thank for the advice! I finally made up my mind that I wanted the Mark of Mastery Edition at the worst time! Lol, well i'll still pick up my reserved copy at Gamestop then i'll just order the Mark of Mastery Edition too just because im that hardcore of a fan! Yeah, I don't think retail carried it either sadly....
  5. Can I pick up the Mark of Mastery Edition anywhere without ordering? Please let me know, because I plan on picking the game up tomorrow morning!
  6. So we can share different kinds of things related to Kingdom Hearts: DDD and etc. My Friend Code: 4511-1132-6865 When you added me, send me a PM, i'll make sure to add you back! .
  7. Oh my goodness, thank you for the info. I was going to pick up the normal version orginially at Gamestop but thanks to you, i'll pick up the MoM Edition!
  8. I'm going to Gamestop first thing in the morning to get my copy, and hoping they'll have the MoM edition!
  9. I will next time! Also, is their a way to edit the thread title so I could add [spoilers] or no?
  10. I agree! It looks just as amazing in DDD as it did in KH1, just more districts which im really excited about!
  11. Mines Traverse Town, hands down. Lol, that rhymed!
  12. Lol I guess the designers were too lazy to make up new character models...
  13. I wish I could get it that early! D; But congrats!
  14. I cannot wait to be able to explore Traverse Town and it's new districts!
  15. I'm a new upcoming active member and I plan to talk a lot about the KH series with you guys, read up on some news, and etc. I'm glad I can be apart of a community that has the same interest in a game as I do, it feels really good. Well have a good great day everyone, and i'll see you guys around the forums, peace.
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