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Everything posted by keyofdestiny

  1. depend for how long it would be delayed, if its too much i would prob give up on kh3
  2. i should stop playing KHX lol already lvl 35

  3. have you seen the new arc V episodes, they are pretty awesome ^_^

    1. Yuya Sakaki

      Yuya Sakaki

      You referring to the 1 hour special? No I have not. But I am sure they're great. :3 Nice to meet you by the way. ^^

    2. Sendou Aichi

      Sendou Aichi

      They are, although they need more Shun.

      More Shun is always better.

  4. finally got the plat trophy for BBS

    1. EchoFox23*



  5. and i now finally got the plat trophy for bbs
  6. i just managed to beat him, but he turned 8 times invisible on me.... 8 times why does this game hate me?
  7. lel glad that i only have to go to amsterdam to get a plane
  8. only reason i didnt choose xl was the faceplates
  9. for aus and japan yes, but for america and europe not
  10. keep doing it and in the end you will finally beat it. btw i know this feel -_- i had this same problem and rage quitted so much this mini game was litterly the second worse thing i had to do (the first one is MF with terra ...)
  11. does shotlock damage scale with your level? for example shotlock doing more damage on level 60 than 50 or does it always do the same amount of damage?
  12. MF is hard because you cant shotlock spam him no heart was easy for me i just used shotlock spam + mega ether + hi potions ( for when he forces all your commands to cooldown)
  13. dont worry like i said i beated all bosses including venitas and MF
  14. yes, thats the reason i did it first with terra
  15. no atm only with terra, but it will be easy with aqua and ven
  16. i finally got ultima, beat armor of the master and no heart so ive done al bosses
  17. none, they are all hard for me... even crafting ultima weapom is easier
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