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Everything posted by keyofdestiny

  1. finally managed to beat kh2fm on critical, didnt expect to beat it tbh. Plat trophy finally possible for me :D

  2. midnight release would make me too tired to play the game at that moment, so i rather order it online
  3. Ultimate cuteness overload

  4. an other day, an other RYUU GA WAGA TEKI WO KURAU

  5. Roses are red, violets are blue. RYUU GA WAGA TEKI WO KURAU

  6. Raidraptor Ultimate Falcon

  7. didnt expect overwatch to be as fun as it is :D

  8. played a few heartstone games, it came with my tablet
  9. I really cant wait for XV2 and future trunks arc
  10. Senpai will never notice you BibleThump

    1. Frisk


      Poor Thumper

  11. lmao that moment when someone doesnt know that your in the IT and talks about impossible BS

  12. damn boku no hero academia is awesome :P

    1. AngelTheWeirdStranger


      I know, right? It's like One Punch Man but as an actual anime. :P

  13. i got the weekly ranking screen the first 2 weeks, how come i dont get them anymore?
  14. OMG its the true super sand legend huehuehuehue
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