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Everything posted by kinagirl101

  1. I'm over here thinking... "What if there'll be more this weekend at the actual event other than what we're waiting on..." //waits patiently

  2. I keep getting this: http://prntscr.com/8c5eim What does it say? Edit: Now its saying this: http://prntscr.com/8c5zfm Edit 2: Its under maint now lol
  3. Just bought a bbs shirt :D ♥ only 18$ not too bad ^_^

  4. Yeah I think they were both bigger than XIII. They weren't as linear. You could also actually talk to merchants in LR.
  5. I'd play it. I'd also play a prequel if they went that route. I'd love to play as Braska Jecht and Auron haha
  6. You guys are making me miss my Xenoblade T_T
  7. Yeah maybe they will have a limited edition for Xenoblade. >w< If so I'll get that for sure.
  8. I'm still waiting for GS to open Preorders on this >w< I'll be getting the 3ds one too ((I had the original and regretfully traded it in before it spiked in rarity/price)) D;....
  9. Did anyone order the OST for KH remixes on the Square Enix music store?

  10. I haven't gotten mine yet. Did anyone order from the US SE music store? If so have you been charged yet?
  11. Has anyone ordered the KH 1.5/2.5 soundtracks from square enix music store? US store I mean.

  12. Its still a US site at least. Same people that are doing the CE are doing these too I guess.
  13. Wow I ordered it got a confirmation... Didn't charge though so now I am confused. I spoke to the customer service and they thought I was talking about the 2.5 CE... And acted like they didn't even know about the music store... I even gave her my Order #... =w='' She's like it won't charge because there are not anymore left... I was like... "Huh?" She then said I could be put on the waiting list.... I told her I was trying to order the Music not the CE.... So now I am waiting to find out when they charge it =w=;;;;
  14. Yeah I saw that https://music.na.square-enix.com/ $80 for both though =w= And it only says pre-order... I can find anywhere that says when it releases -w-
  15. I really want that artbook and steelbook case... The rest ((Plush and 1.5)) I already have...
  16. I would but I already have the plush and 1.5 limited edition so... I have most of it already =w= I was tempted just for the art book and steelcase but.... 100$ just for those and the game is kinda high.
  17. I have adoptables for sale cheap starting at $3USD I need the money to pay my medical bill that I just got in the mail. http://sta.sh/0ipzv6pvhrf Its a doozy D: And unfortunately I can't afford it. :( I am also taking commissions too starting at $3. Message me or reply here for more information. Thank you.

  18. Would anyone be interested in commissioning me for art like this: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/128/f/a/katsumi_chibi_by_tsukiakari_neko-d7hohan.png ?

    1. kinagirl101


      They'd be $3 per chibi ^^


  19. I hate being this stressed out:(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. kinagirl101


      Thank you ;~; Do you think this is cute? http://prntscr.com/3hgidw I'm going to try to do chibi art commissions to raise money

    3. Exiblade7


      It's cute.

    4. kinagirl101
  20. Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire remake! //squeals

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. kinagirl101


      Can you blame us? It's like my favorite pokemon game >w< <3

    3. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key


    4. kinagirl101


      Yeah! <3 More info please >w< SOMETHING <3

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