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Everything posted by Nohjx

  1. Welcome to the site, fellow jersian...
  2. Always has and was confirmed in an interview years ago. Three-five-eight-days-over-two
  3. Xehanort is a very good planner, so it was most likely just part of his big plan.
  4. Some are cutscenes, usually what Yen Sid was saying before the game started, most are just summaries.
  5. Hilarious that you can tell that the person didn't play the game..and is reading a script...poor Xehanort.
  6. Why are you guys even joking about this.
  7. The only thing I noticed was just a lot of similarities to Ouran's Haruhi and Fruits Basket's Tohru...Idk my opinion is original characters..just a bit more descriptive when writing but not my place to judge someone else's RP.
  8. I don't either..it's just funny...ironic thing was I wasn't being myself...parody RP lol..
  9. The things Proto were saying are just lyrics from songs that have just been ongoing private jokes. I should really just stop talking and let the RP happen though. And all my RP was just parodying a lot of the bad RPing I see.
  10. I only came back because of the stuff I was seeing, so there really isn't a need to apologize, just I don't know it was turned in to a joke topic so..
  11. On forum games you can expect "dirty" things and "curse" words, so there really isn't a need. IF you looked on her profile instead of getting your head out of weaboo clouds. "Curse" words are only "curse" words because society makes it that way, so stop whining because someone used a word.
  12. 1.It's a forum game. 2. What are you, five? 3. If you kept on complaining from last night why are you even here. 4. Protoman's a girl
  13. Pretty sure if they cared they would do something about it by now.
  14. Nohjx


    Welcome to the site October, May I just show you around or are you all set to move on to November?
  15. These are the gods and goddesses we have entrusted with the world's supply of attractiveness, it's nice to see they are using it well.
  16. Yeah he basicly just was in shock and still recognized him as terra-nort. Right after Ursula is defeated Ansem SoD shows up to mess with Sora, the WHOLE time they were going along with him, and finnaly got him there at the last keyhole. When Ansem also does this Riku goes in to Sora's dreams and blah blah you know about that. Riku while in the sleeping worlds unlocks the pain that people connected to Sora have, if you notice Sora gets angry/more upset in every world, because of the hurt that's being unleashed. Riku thought he was in the real world, but Sora went in a dream within a dream, so Riku is still in Sora's dreams, but Sora went deeper.
  17. 1. Hard to explain but yes they are unlocked. Sora unlocked them..and Riku (some people believe) unlocked the hurting people's locks...I have to play the game myself to fully comprehend it. 2.It is a sleeping world. Before the world fell in to darkness Ansem the Wise copied it on to his computer (space paranoids, kh2) so yes this world is a sleeping world. 3.It's basicly just Sora does it in the actual sleeping worlds, and Riku is in his dream, it's basicly just alternate reality, these people in the sleeping worlds are just "dreams created by the sleeping worlds" not the real thing. 4. That scene was from when they first became Nobodies. 5. Some are rumoured not to ALL be Xehanort. They returned to their time, or wherever they are (exiting the dream realm), they basicly just all left. The one's that time traveled won't remember. Last thing is...Nomura logic really but basicly since theyre original self (Master Xehanort) exists they can...who the hell knows it's Nomura and prolly won't even matter in the future.
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