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Everything posted by Nohjx

  1. I see what you did with that pun. //shot
  2. I think the only way you can do it is to get Playstation Plus and save your data online..
  3. That's like when you're eating neapolitan ice cream and someone asks which is your favorite and you look down at the melting goodness in shame and say "I can't pick my favorite child."
  4. You just go like "Hey Nohjx you wanna be friends 5ever." And then I go "Oh sure person I've never met before." really though I'm friendly.
  5. Why did Sally fall off the swing? Becaise she had no arms. Knock knock. Who's there? Not Sally.

    1. Nohjx


      Susan fell off the stripper pole.

    2. Think Pink

      Think Pink

      Why did the monkey fall out of the tree? Because it was dead.

    3. Nohjx


      What's pink and fluffy? Pink fluff.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  6. Actually I haven't it's just one of those doesn't-make-much-sense jokes that I've heard before. Such as: Why did the plane crash? Because the pilot was a loaf of bread.
  7. The fact that you thought we stopped offends me.
  8. Because it was stapled to the chicken.
  9. Don't get me started...we may have to make an official thread for the beauty that is Once Upon A Time.. It was all part of my master plan...evil cackle evil cackle evil cackle.
  10. The fact that you think this is random, and don't know that I've been planning this for years offends me.
  11. A dress....Address...haha..get it?
  12. Gurl how can Captain Hook offend anybody. :wub:
  13. The fact that you don't know that she ran out of quarters for continues offends me.
  14. The fact that your .gif isn't attractive offends me.
  15. The fact that you are just plain offended, and not differently offended offends me.
  16. The fact that I'm pretty sure you meant to say block offends me.
  17. People that haven't been OUT of the clear all their lives, watching as other kids got to live, play, and go to school in the clear. Waiting for the day for someone in the unclear to get the chance to prove themselves one day to get out of the hustle and bustle world which is the unclear. People WHO DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE IN THE UNCLEAR, NOT KNOWING YOUR FUTURE BECAUSE IT'S UNCLEAR...anyway that offends me.
  18. People that are "in the clear" offend me. The fact that you didn't specify the order in which this was to be done offends me.
  19. 98% of what I say is a joke so... You understanding my logic offends me.
  20. You have also commented here..so you offend yourself....and that offends me.
  21. The fact that you are offended by someone being offended, thus making you a hypocrite offends me.
  22. The fact that you question his belief offends me greatly.
  23. This conflict between the two of you offends me.
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