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Everything posted by Nohjx

  1. Shana we're all concered about you.
  2. Is this an appropriate topic Shana?
  3. It's good that you at least know your place.
  4. Peasants need to go back to their cages under the castle. Xaon why are you singing this song?
  5. You should really take baths sweetie, people might think you're a hobo.
  6. No need peasant, just doing my job.
  7. I don't firetruck people I don't know. It's okay dear, we all are.
  8. Tell Satan to start returning my phone calls.
  9. I think the point was to keep some words in the same sentence..to make the statement the same but altered a bit. I want some wedding cake.
  10. I got whooped the first time..then I just paid attention to Wakka, then Tidus, while beating up Selphie first.. then getting Tidus, then Wakka. Funny how I remember after 10 years..haha but it's just what I've always done.
  11. Here, take this scroll, find the blue wizard and give it to him, then when he takes you to the cave give him this leaf of goodness, he'll know what to do. And take my friend Frodo, he'll take you to Middle Earth.

    1. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      don't tell me what to do

    2. VanitasisKirby


      But... I don't want to...

  12. You just got pitch slapped.

  13. I kinda just figured they'd only do voices for the new Days scenes..not for the rest. Personally I don't see a need for re-voicing.. That and hearing certain characters over ten years after the game's release may sound a bit awkward.. coughSoracoughcough
  14. Yes I would because apparently no one truly dies in Kingdom Hearts...(Eraqus is still under speculation..)
  15. In Soviet Russia news reports you... yeah I had to
  16. Why did the koala fall out of the tree? Because it was dead. Why did other koala fall out of the tree? It was stapled to the first koala.

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