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Everything posted by Nohjx

  1. Nohjx

    The Guild

    It's a webshow created and staring Felicia Day, it's about a group of online gamers and how they interact with each other throughout and outside of their "World of Warcraft" inspired online game. It's really just amazing because it was made by gamers and it's just (insert amazing adjective) whoops forgot to quote
  2. I feel like Sora is everyone in the KH universe's sassy gay friend.
  3. If anyone's seen the post but From Comic-com: Season 6 of the guild is coming to Geek and Sundry I'm not sure if anyone else watches The Guild but I thought I would just spread the news. Don't hurt me please ;.;
  4. It was freakn creepy..
  5. So uh..I found this in the related videos. Everybody likes apples... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tus_DktSgNs&feature=related
  6. I thought it was gonna be a chimpmunk
  7. I kept thinking that Aqua's voice would be higher pitch like in the jap. version, but I've learned to love Willa's voice.
  8. All worlds begin in echoes...and all so end...this topic...is no different.
  9. The mask boy will just be Ventus. *I JUST got the Korra reference -facepalm- sorry about that
  10. I believe so..things that have gone either badly explained, not explained at all, or told about but not on screen.
  11. I agree completley, and before every meeting he has to scream "HAS THE DARKNESS TAKEN YOU ____?!" to each member so they can proove their loyalty.
  12. I think they mean more along the lines of certain things that we're never explained really..like I saw a post earlier about the Simba summon saying that he was the king yet he hadn't taken the place on his throne until kh2, or like how a lot of plot points we know happened but were never "shown in game"..like Mickey actually obtaining the Kingdom Key D in the RoD...Riku's absence, etc., stuff that they said was going to be in BBSv2
  13. charging sparklers....☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ FIRE! (/・・)ノ.:*・°☆ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
  14. Braig isn't suave enough to speak le francais. (I mean that in the nicest way really)
  15. Jak and Daxter (the first game) over all for me. But all Ratchet and Clank games over the other Jak games. I didn't find the other Jak games to be all that great..well not to be all that great but I personally think Jak and Daxter were better in their original enviornment.
  16. What everyone doesn't know is that the next saga is going to be exactly like the Xehanort Saga only Eraqus is going to go around all "OH MAH GUR ITS DA LIGHTZ" and his nobody is going to have an organization that wears...robes.
  17. I feel like it would have to be thought up really well for it to properly work...otherwise yeah I think it would be good but only if they were more humanoid type and not an enemy like the heartless, nobodies, or unversed. Since Light and Darkness are both needed it might be interesting to see how the worlds would be affected if they were close to reaching their goal.
  18. I wonder if when he goes to bed he yells at himself "HAS THE DARKNESS TAKEN YOU ERAQUS?!" and that is the story of Master Eraqus' nightlight
  19. the evil stepmother left a note on Jak's back saying "Dear Aqua, This is not actually a lock so don't try using this keyblade. Please entertain this small mouse with reality issues, he thinks it is a lock, Cinderella is in on it too." and Aqua was being a bit gullible.
  20. When you weren't looking Vanitas' secret Nobody replaced him because he had a doctors appointment. No heart=no emotion=no feel=no unversed
  21. This is why Roxas, Axel, and Xion ate all that ice cream..icing on the POWAAAAAA! (I made some last summer...do delicious.)
  22. Yeah as soon as the first trailer came out I was like "whelp I'll be buying a 3ds"
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