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Everything posted by Nohjx

  1. I was logging in and it said I put wrong username/password so I changed my password and it still wouldn't work all I thought was "I've been here 2 days what have I done wrong?D:" and then I realize I put my email address in instead of username -facepalm-

    1. Roxie


      Everyone does something like that.


    2. Nohjx


      I felt so ridiculous lol..

    3. Roxie
  2. Welcome to the site! !
  3. Honestly I'm getting out of here as soon as I can..I mean no disrespect but so many things here contradict each other, I don't even have basic rights..
  4. I love how she posted this yet in her recent topics she says "Tell me your problems, I don't judge" Think of the biggest facepalm ever.
  5. I have never been more proud to be a homosexual.
  6. They're always trying something new...SOPA...PIPA..CISPA...one I can't remember the name of...
  7. You aren't the only one, I respond in my head with so called "mean" things as well. Free spech free speech -riotriotriot-
  8. Sora that isn't a Nobody, it's a pimp daddy. Big Daddy Xemnas
  9. Hm, what you said gave me a thought. I wonder how difficult it would be to do an only flowmotion run....
  10. I wouldn't think so, flowmotion is kind of one of the main gimmicks in this game and the reason why they made so many big areas is to make use of it, sorry Don't listen to me, apparentley all but wall kicks can be disabled, but I think some bosses are required to have flowmotion to dodge and such.
  11. When I RP (with a character that I make up) I usually think of their personality and traits before I name them. I use Romaji alot.
  12. Disney...sigh...why don't they just put His Majesty Mickey Mouse in charge instead. Anyway I heard a rumour about that but didn't wanna believe it...
  13. Yeah I'm getting MoM too..sorry for giving you more stress! heh
  14. hm...not me, at least not right now..a big part of why I like the MoM ediiton is because of the case..and it doesn't fit on the 3dsxl, good for you for getting it though!
  15. Nohjx

    Hi !

    This guys creepy, you might not want to...tehehe kidding
  16. Nohjx

    Hi !

    Bonjour! Welcome to the site! ^^
  17. 1: You should be good but going to 30 might not hurt if you're new to BBS 2:The order reccomended is Terra>Ven>Aqua but play how you want 3:Because he uses darkness...when you use darkness you automaticly get a membership to the cool club. I agree with this person's reccomendation for the level..I played on Proud so if you are it might be a good idea...
  18. Nohjx

    The Guild

    Yeah I think I just fanboyed all of this topic...-cough-
  19. Riku most likely noticed. /shot time to get hurt by the shippers. dun dun dun
  20. Sing with me now~ shalalalala

    1. Shana09


      nu Sebastian nu

    2. Nohjx


      ;.; nobody liek me world

  21. Nohjx

    The Guild

    No it's a webshow ABOUT an online game..although as the seasons go on it goes more and more out of the game.
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