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Everything posted by Nohjx

  1. Yeah some people have that opinion...I think the thing that got me with P3 is because it was the first game of the Persona series I played.
  2. Nohjx

    Golden Sun

    Which is ridiculous..personally I enjoyed the first two games' story more than Dark Dawn.
  3. I loved P4...the varying dungeons gave me something P3 didn't..although I enjoyed P3 more than P4 in ways of story P4 got me at gameplay. P1 and P2(and P2..2) were good as well.
  4. Nohjx

    Golden Sun

    I know! Camelot is just such a tease lol..
  5. It's tied with IV with me for the 2 best 2D Final Fantasy games..it's just wonderful..
  6. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES TALES OF SYMPHONIA! (and someone should make a tales of graces topic...and persona series...RPGs ftw) but anyway I loved the first one instantly, I liked the 2nd game but it was just ehhh for me..and Emil was a bit whiny..
  7. Nohjx

    Golden Sun

    I played it about 3 years ago...I bought the first 2 before DD came out (it took me forever to find TLA...) coughsomeonemakeaPersonaseriestopiccough
  8. Any one ever play this game? Discusssssss
  9. I find it to be one of the best RPGs to play, very good concept and gameplay. I didn't get to buy it in the SNES days so I bought the DS version. And
  10. Might as well... KH1: who are you and what are you doing in my secret ending COM: You must be important KH2: Your life sucks, let me hold you. Days: I'll have ice cream wit you BBS: "Sora" nice with the one word sentence Coded: Poor data roxas... DDD: Let me hold you.
  11. Agreed...plus a large sum of people don't even count it as a curse word...curse words are only made "curse" words because society turns them into them.
  12. Kh1: I doubt you're the main villan, oh look I was right. (also OH MAH GUR ITS DA DARKNESS DARKNESS DARKNESSSS) COM: Why are you even here. KH2:Ok you got +5 points.. Days: Taking a break are we? BBS: Um....you aren't exactly relevant yet. Oh at least you have the respect of calling Ven and Aqua by their names. Coded: Not sure if real Maleficent..or data. Oh yep you're the real one, wait why are you even bothering with taking over a computer.. DDD: lol what are you doin here boo? OH LOOK IT'S LEA
  13. The birds and the bees sing Momiji..I would join but I haven't watched the series in years , Good luck though! (Love the idea)
  14. Play in the order they were released..if they play in the story order they might wonder why certain characters or plot points were not mentioned.
  15. (not sure if you answered this already but) What gave you the idea to create KH13?
  16. I always felt that Xehanort and all his forms tried to tempt multiple characters with the thought of "power", which led them deeper into the plan.
  17. I remember seeing a post one day that said "If you're ever feeling down and useless just remember, you beat Ursula in KH1" I remember she was such a pain at first...don't know why so easy now coughAerocough
  18. I really hope Aqua is the first to be saved...but I hope I'm not the only one who at least wants Xion to be remembered am I?
  19. Errr...I think they should use it for certain "important" cutscenes during the story *ala FF XIII* but for the whole game I would have to say no...it's cartoon/anime look is what gives Kingdom Hearts it's style in my opinion...
  20. Does anyone know how I can tell that my sig is under 200KB?

  21. I can't wait..it's gonna have that new game smell and I'm gonna be afraid to touch the art cards too much (the first thing on my mind is the games smell, yes, I dream big)
  22. My face was just expresionless, thank you!!!!!!! So excited for this..^^
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