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Everything posted by Nohjx

  1. The 2nd visit is, to unlock the world that never was you only (strangly) have to complete Pride Lands or Underworld. While you have to complete both to trigger Space Paranoids
  2. Maybe in a few hours..I need sleep, it's 3:30 am here and I've yet to get any sleep..lol
  3. I'm..wonderfull? Thank you for the compliment! Yes we need a good artist.
  4. Yes the masked boy...and his sentiment.. OH and Ventus when he's being possessed by Vanitas..the wiki needs to work on this
  5. Don't forget Mission Mode Sora, The Sora inside Roxas' head, the little cute Sora from the little game thing from re:coded, and HOODED Vanitas... Oh and the drawing of Sora in the secret place..
  6. Personally I never really liked Space Paranoids after 5 seconds...The Grid looks more like it has a story behind it, but I'll have to wait and see.
  7. YOU MADE MY HEART DROP IN TO MY FEET...I thought I said something offensive or something.
  8. I swear on my life I'm not a bigot so I really hope that was a joke
  9. I'm gonna get some sleep before I make anymore slightly creepy but totally canon topics.

  10. I feel like this all could have been a roleplay event... Well they had planned to for years but The Worlds had'nt legalized Tenebramarrage yet.
  11. As far as what's been explained is that the worlds Sora and Riku go to are the dreams of the worlds that fell in to darkness...so I guess you could consider the dreams to be droplets from the world?
  12. Tenebraphobe...oh my god I love you for that...I'm dying.
  13. You didn't hear "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" while reading?
  14. Xehanort uses everybody, so most likely
  15. Crap I couldn't think of what to put it in..is there anyway to move it?
  16. Master Xehanort married his long loved partner, The Darkness earlier today, here is the wedding picture. Xehanort's dress was designed by Le Marluxia studios. Master Xehanort Darkness and The Darkness are taking their honeymoon on Destiny Islands and plan to adopt several children. When asked about the Darkness Xehanort said this "Darkness conquers my world" When asked about Master Xehanort, the Darkness simply stood there making a corridor out of itself. When asked if anyone objected to the marriage Eraqus stood up and made a long speech of how the Darkness is a horrible being, Master Eraqus was escorted out by Saix and Xigbar. If anyone in Twilight Town does not obtain a copy of the picture..I am not responsible...Roxas stole them.
  17. Good idea..I was thinking along the lines of an existing character but good idea...here's an idea I had. After Sora saves Aqua, as soon as Aqua unlocks the little trick in C.O., MX shows up before they can do anything and plants his heart in Ventus...a bit far off but eh. Or maybe he already has (don't know how he would find his way in to the chamber though)...
  18. I don't vote that often but the discussion is nice, so good job!
  19. I know it's just the best...I took a summer art class last summer and me and some people just put the dub on repeat...everyone was like "...the hell?" WE MUST NOW BE BEST FRIENDS FOREVER BECAUSE OF MUTUAL INTERESTS O_e Edit: Sorry if I scared you lol...I figured since you watch the dub you would get my strange humor.. ^^"
  20. Your sig....I love the comic...
  21. It's ok buddy, we'll cry together ...wait this hasn't happened yet
  22. Very good point. "Kingdom Hearts is barely a footnote to them" That quote made me feel like Disney is going to drop Kingdom Hearts...in that case I will cry a million tears.
  23. That's not good...I heard a rumour that game companies are trying to go towards downloadable only games (doubt they are planning THAT anymore, got so much crap for it) If that happened I wonder how Disney would go for that....then again that rumour was spread almost 2 years ago..
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