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Everything posted by Nohjx

  1. Akinator guessed my character was Sora, my mind was blown but I'm most likely just THAT predictable

    1. Nohjx


      Really....only one answer could lead you to Axel...

  2. Yeah I think this was posted a couple of hours ago
  3. It would most likely be very boring and be less popular than the others...(btw you're welcome for the inspiration )
  4. I really hate when people complain about "side games" without those titles we wouldn't have the story for KH3, so they are just as important as any title.

    1. DarkRealm20


      IKR!! It makes me mad


    2. Nohjx


      Exactly, and if there weren't any of these games, there would be plot holes up the hoo ha (did i really just say hoo ha..) anyway what would they expect KH3 to even be about without these games, really we wouldn't have a Master Xehanort..

    3. DarkRealm20


      Image if they skept all the games and just went to KH3...

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  5. He "left" months ago...but yeah, it's hushed but he got fired.
  6. I looked it up on youtube but it isn't there..I would try their website at G4.com
  7. I don't care for either, but I have seen some episodes. I have to say that Bleach has better animation.
  8. I can't stop laughing lol..they could have tried a bit more to make it not look so much like Pokemon..looks fun though.
  9. Usually reviewers get sent a special emulation device made for them to record these types of things...not sure if it's the case here.
  10. It's fine that people don't like what someone likes, so what I'm about to say doesn't mean that. My opinion on X-play is they're very biased, honestly I think they get payed off. Whatever isn't a shooter, nintendo (the mario, zelda, and metroid ones..not system based), or a work from someone of similar nature, they give it a bad review with reasons that contradict the reasons that they give for say, a Mario title.
  11. I love how Mitsuru walks in to the arena, and when she defeats someone lol...gah I can't bring myself to call him Yu...I always feel urged to say Souji Seta
  12. I always find it funny whenever some people say Kingdom Hearts they put so much emphasis in KINGDOM.....hearts, it's like the first word is more important lol... But with the review I feel the review was fair..when she said "not so logical", it's expected to be said by someone who doesn't have as much knowledge of what's going on
  13. I bet if an actual Fire Truck is ever in the Kingdom Hearts series, and Sora says "ohhhh look a fire truck" this whole forum is just going to pop it's lid in laughter.
  14. I've seen some posts you've made and I've thought "wow so mean", but I was wrong, you sir are an intelligent person...
  15. Some..work has already been done? I can't..stop grinning. EVERYBODY DANCE NOW
  16. Although the Christian "hell" is not my belief I still think that it is immature to make a fuss of some one saying the word "hell". I've said it before in a post that "curse" words are only made "curse" words because society turned them into them. Who cares if someone says a "curse" word anyway, if a person had any level of maturity they wouldn't go "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I'm telling you mommy!", or make any other big deal out of it. So I'm going to have to side with you on this one. I know right..and in the original japanese DDD trailer (don't remember which) Frollo made references to religion yet people are freaking out over the word "hell".
  17. Ah alright, I do agree. Fix your spoiler tag~ and if you read above, yes I do agree that could happen.
  18. It was actually revealed by Nomura that that specific scene isn't canon, but I do agree with you, even though it isn't canon I do believe it's foreshadowing to future events.
  19. I have the Aqua Blue...I'm going to stick with it just because it's discontinued lol....very nice colors though!
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