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Everything posted by Nohjx

  1. Leaving this site, the constant overload of attention seeking facebook-esque posts is becoming too much, barely ever see any Kingdom Hearts anymore. Goodbye and good riddance.

  2. I heard her dad's got it going off though.
  3. If people stop bringing up by mentioning how they want the drama to go away maybe it would fade away >.> yeesh seriously people. Anyway I had a seziure today and my school didn't call the ER. Bad school system. Bad.

  4. I was basically thinking the same exact thing but didn't want to get raged at haha. Thanks for saying it for me. also adding how I don't know why people always go crazy for it every year like it's some big thing when it isn't...each to their own I suppose.
  5. Can't expect everyone to get along..just to be civil. Anyways cya, hope to see you back.
  6. Guys...keep calm...and let me tell you...about homestuck.

  7. Meh..personally I don't know why Call of Duty won anything..I never got the point of re-releasing basically the same thing every year, and how everyone praises it. Good job xiii-2 though!
  8. Can someone fill me in on this "rule change?" I don't think I was on when it happened..what exactly is different?

  9. Immature drama on a website intended for people to gather to talk about a videogame. How charming.

  10. I'd have to agree with what this person said. Although 1.5 won't have any gameplay for Days , and no disney world cutscenes, you won't be missing too much. Gameplay is very repetitive, story is good but like I said not much happens in the disney worlds..except Roxas learning about emotions, the famous "stick" scene, etc. So I'd wait for 1.5 just to get the story for Days..and also Re:CoM..not that bad when you get used to the cards, story is very well done as well. All and all just get Re:coded now.. not much story but in my opinion the gameplay is good. Also you could always just save your money..if Re:coded doesn't seem like your cup of tea you could just watch cutscenes online. Personally being the crazed fan I am I pre-order whatever comes out with a Kingdom Hearts title, but there would really be nothing wrong with just watching cutscenes. They're all pretty cheap now so I guess it wouldn't matter but..I'd say get Re:coded.

  12. I know. A lot of people get confused when you're supposed to hit the flo, they get confused and think they have to hit Proffessor Rida, which causes more conflict.
  13. Listen, it's a difficult procedure to follow to begin with. I know in the college major they don't properly prepare you for this situation. So I'm trying to make simple instructions.
  14. II Instructions if you have... II Apple bottom jeans Boots with “da fur” The whole club’s attention Baggy Sweatpants Reeboks with straps Hit the flo, immediately. Call yourself Shawty and get low..low low..low low low..low…low Turn around and give your abnormally large buttox a hit. (Repeat) Hit the flo, again as quickly as you can while you are still “Shawty” Give off a feeling of a million dollars Be prepared to give people a to-go-bag for their bottle. Have the cash register ready for them to spend all their money. Make those birthday cakes the most selling thing. Be flexible and sexual. Be professional with alcohol consumption. Repeat as many times as needed.
  15. Does anyone ever have the urge to put the phone alarm for the walk of shame as "I just had sex" by Lonely Island? I mean no that wouldn't be socially acceptable >.>

    1. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      can't say that i do...but i like your thinkin

    2. Nohjx


      //nods I'm glad you appreciate my ideas.

    3. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      im glad your ideas are able to be appreciated

  16. I feel like it'll take less than a year..but most likely early 2014...they'll most likely just have KH2FM as the actual game (not counting cutscenes from other games like what they're doing with days)..unless they find a way to put BBS on there..which I doubt since the game is so recent.
  17. I'm sorry to hear that Shana mistreats you..
  18. Ouch man, why are you happy about that?
  19. Broken hearts are hardcore. We'rebestfriendsnow.
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