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Everything posted by kristi-swat

  1. well they can sense when the power of the keyblade is passed from a master to an apprentice....Lea's case was different...even with his training he says that it was hard to materialize the keyblade and he only did it in the end of the ending..so I don't think MX knows
  2. well you're the man of the website ..........even though.....you're a woman ...but you know what I mean
  3. that's why I asked the question in the first place :PP..never believed it ...if you did work at Square they would have never let you have a KH13 profile and to make over 3000 right comments
  4. why can't you tell us if a new game will be revealed soon or at TGS or smth like that?..if you work at Square well you must know this things
  5. that's what I'm trying to figure out the whole time http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png
  6. but the point is that the pod opened and then after Roxas disappeared it reopened again..how is that possible?
  7. well who's up for a challenge wouldn't mind doing them in critical especially the special portals and stuff
  8. the mansion does act as a connection between the real TT and the digital one but the one that Roxas lives is the digital and he destroys the computer on the digital TT and there's where he met Sora...while Sora wakes up in the other one where the computer isn't broken and stuff...that's why I made this thread in the first place
  9. me neither http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png...but I thought of that because everything in that town was data and Roxas was in the data TT when he saw Sora,while Sora woke up in the real TT
  10. take her someplace special and then propose her or just try for a kiss ..if she really likes you she won't say NO
  11. when Roxas saw Sora in twilight town that was a Sora made of data right??? because in that moment Sora's pod opened while seconds later it opens again when Donald and Goofy call him
  12. da fuq? http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png you're awsome
  13. you can always continue to play the game on critical and still have all the trophies you earned you know?
  14. well Riku's absence was shown in CoM and Days...while it was said that the one of the king was revealed at coded...so we have all four of them
  15. yeah like that girl at Ep1 of season 4 of Heroes that had made a map of her future until she would die ...I just hope my dreams come true...I wanted to study at MIT at first but my uncle is moving out of Boston and he's going in Minnesota so if he takes me with him next year I'll go somewhere there http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png
  16. Yeah,well college is a new thing for me so I know everyone's excited at first and tries to plan things up ahead...I'll see where life takes me from there
  17. good luck with that..I've always loved mystery books...they do develop imagination
  18. really? http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png...I didn't know that...I always saw them as THE people who were determined to accomplish things at any cost and no one would make fun of them if they declared they had science aspirationsSadly for me here too is that every one with good grades is a nerd "
  19. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha oooo my god you made me laugh a lot with that last one ...it's not that I'm some nerd guy that stays only with books in his hands but in my country if one speaks of these kind of subject they make fun of him/her and kinda leave them out of society ...so I wanted to make a post here then talk it with other people in Albania
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