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Everything posted by kristi-swat

  1. I don't know..when I find out next month I will tweet about it I have spoken to the kh13 team that I will post about the concert in Paris...gonna remind them 1 day prior to the concert
  2. taking into account that the concert is around 2h long, maybe the whole 2h will be filled with cutscenes to match the music I wonder about the recording...I asked the concert hall in Paris and they told me I wasn't allowed to record it myself...maybe they will release an official dvd afterwards hopefully
  3. I was doing some thorough analyses now too, and for my theory to work another condition has to be met. The conversation of Zexion and Xigbar must happen before the cutscence of Xemnas going the chamber of repose...like way back, because by the time their conversation takes place, the organization wasn't fully completed, but when Namine and Roxas were created there were already 12 members. In the conversation they had just recruited Marluxia, so there is still one missing and I also assume that same time has passed since he was recruited until Xemnas gained his trust to carry over the CO mission Any opinions?
  4. But Nomura said that MoM won't appear in kh3 unless he's lying
  5. mine says not yet shipped, expected on the 24th to ship
  6. Guys what does tear mean? I see everywhere tier 1,2,3,4,5. Sorry for asking but I'm not native English speaker If these woff medals turn out to be good I'm gonna regret spending my only 3k jewels yesterday for defense boost 3
  7. ah I see...too bad we don't have any official release from SE of the conversation The KH13 translation seems more plausible
  8. yep, exactly what I was thinking too...though I don't understand what Namine means by "you're the only one"..no one knew the whereabouts of aqua and ven either at that moment
  9. We know that Namine has special attributes in general, so maybe Nomura pulled another stunt and gave Namine some extra knowledge This was just a guess that I had nonetheless, since I wanted to fit the conversation of Namine and Terra somewhere that doesn't mess up big the timeline
  10. So, we know from cutscenes during kh2fm that xemnas is looking for the chamber of waking, and he goes in RG to meet aqua's armor. Could it be that the scene of Aqua and Terra meeting happens right after that? Since those scenes in kh2fm happen before and during kh1. That would explain why namine could speak with terra since kairi's heart gad migrated inside sora and namine was created
  11. from HJL I was able to preorder for Albania...they shipped worldwide with fedex international express
  12. I spent 2 days of refershing the page for some kh news and got disappointed in the end.
  13. Hello guys, I want to buy kingdom hearts mangas and novels both in english and in japanese Is there some official page where to buy them?
  14. it was just a reply I made to a comment which wasn't correct
  15. The flag was raised in 1912 by Ismail Qemali, not Skanderbeg
  16. I was supposed to go with my gf but she couldn't come in the end so now I have one extra ticket The price of the ticket is 169€ and it includes a meet and greet and photo with Yoko Shimomura
  17. Hello everyone, I have a spare VIP ticket for the concert in Paris. Is anyone interested in buying it?
  18. amazing guys I have 2 questions: 1) where can I buy some of this stuff that was available at the concert online? 2) Since I'll be attending Paris's KH Orchestra Concert next year, with what hashtag or something should I make my posts so they can also be published here afterwards, like live updates?
  19. hahahahaha yeah in fact it is for real...if the other person is not coming, why not to give the chance to someone else, but I did not know in which category to put it that's why I chose this one
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