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Everything posted by Silent

  1. These are amazing! Can you do one of me? I'd like to be a keyblade wielder if you can.
  2. Not kh3 i'll tell ya that much. . Maybe KHDDDHD if anything.
  3. My bro got me this shirt the other day for my birthday. (i looked mad because i wasn't ready for the pic.
  4. I had a hamster once.

  5. There's a free trial of "FF a realm reborn" on ps3 right now.

    1. Exiblade7


      I'm checking it out right now.

  6. Maybe DDDHD for 2015? Even though i don't want it. I'd rather some kind of localization for chi.
  7. I live in the o.c. and i can tell you there is probably no store you could get it at. If anything you would be lucky to buy one from an anime convention or something. I think the best way to go is ebay or etsy.
  8. Can somebody please help me and type out this captcha thing. http://i.imgur.com/wQzqJUr.jpg (i'm trying to play kh chi)

    1. Xiro



    2. Silent


      Thanks for the help i appreciate it!

    3. Xiro


      No problem

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  9. Does anyone play blade symphony? I was thinking of getting it on steam, it's like 3 bucks right now.

  10. If it's the limited edition then it should come with the pin because it's packaged inside the box.
  11. Working in retail for 3 years has made me hate Christmas music but i still find myself whistling along.

    1. WakingDawn96


      Not going to lie, that really just sounded like my cousin last year, lol

  12. I'm not sure everyone knows he' a patriots fan. Also BOOOOO PATRIOTS!!!!
  13. Not unless it has something new to offer besides slighlly better graphics.
  14. I also enjoyed it . It's so much more fun playing with real people though.
  15. You helped me fix the R button on my 3ds so you're pretty cool in my book,
  16. Getting an interview with nomura is pretty rad. I'm proud of you kh13.

  17. I recently bought the Mickey in his org 13 coat and I like it. I haven't taken it out of the box though.
  18. Here's my impression of the new kh3 footage, "Loook at me i'm the new kh3 footage!!"

    1. TB298
    2. Silent


      I'm not gonna bother looking at the link but i'm gonna assume it's something mean. Nice avi by the way sora looks like a bad ass with the wing.


    3. Keyblader_95


      Lol actually it's not something intentionally mean, I find it rather funny in this context xD (because I was kidding, you know right?) And thanks! Y' know, since we're entering Yule I made a themed av xD

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  19. Guys, what's a good co-op game for the ps3 with split screen?

    1. Silent


      I actually love resident evil and have already played RE 5 with my bro. I was looking at RE 6 but all the things i hear about it kinda put me off.


    2. Moochieh32


      (Sorry for the late response. Haven't been on here for a while :P) RE6 isn't THAT bad. I think the coop in RE5 is way better but RE6 is a bit fun. At least Leon and Helena's story is good. Overall it's actually a fun coop game just not the best. You should at least try it. 4 different campaigns with a mode to kill waves of zombies using any character with any costume - all 2 player splitscreen playable :P I don't know any other split screen titles for PS3. I guess Castle C...

    3. Moochieh32


      Castle Crashers, RE Umbrella Chronicles, RE Darkside Chronicles (fun FP shooter), Lego Batman 2 (extremely fun as you can explore a free roam city and do all sorts of stuff), I guess Plants Vs Zombies (Garden Warfare which is a TPS or the original which is a strategy kind of game) I think that's it so far... :P

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  20. Wait, on gamestop,com it says that limited editions of 2.5 are still available???

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