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Everything posted by Silent

  1. I never liked any of the fnaf games the game play is just not fun to me at all. But the story seems really interesting.
  2. Not that often. I can't stand to replay a game where i know exactly what's going to happen. It takes half the fun out for me.
  3. Monster hunter 4 is the shizzz. I barely got it a week ago and am 20 hours in. :))

    1. Silent


      Yes i feel like monster hunter is finally getting the western attention it deserves. Check out some reviews Sanciman. It's really fun. Especially when playing with others online.

    2. Silent


      @Jilly Lucky you! I'm barely got hunter rank 2 yesterday.

    3. Jilly Shears

      Jilly Shears

      I've barely even touched the guild quests stuff and I'm about 40 hours in. I just unlocked the 5-star Caravan quests so I've been struggling with those.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  4. did anyone have to update chrome recently?

  5. Alright i'm not playing, who the firetruck keeps stealing my right sock while i'm napping?! HMMMM?

    1. Cricket


      -points at someone else-

    2. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      I always had a bad feeling about someone else, I knew he couldn't be trusted

    3. Silent


      *Glares at the entire kh13 community* This aint over...

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  6. I'm so glad my girl chose to watch kingsmen with me yesterday instead of fifty shades of grey. x)

    1. WakingDawn96


      You all should have just seen Spongebob and be done with it

    2. Klonoa the Dream Traveler

      Klonoa the Dream Traveler

      WalkingDawn96, you should have watch it on Movietube.

    3. WakingDawn96


      I refuse to watch Theater movies online, I watch them in the theaters like people are supposed to!

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  7. Does anyone play nosgoth? it's really fun even though i keep getting my ass kicked. :)

  8. 10 more days til monster hunter :))

    1. Shulk


      Oh yeah, I forgot it was coming so soon. I won't be able to get it at release, but I'm definitely joining the hunt soon!

  9. Anyone else scrambling to find there 3ds games to register the club nintendo codes?

    1. Shulk


      I usually put them in a while after having the game so I won't forget. I'll probably need to register my brother's games soon, though.

    2. WakingDawn96


      I register mine either the day of or the day after I get the game. That way I don't lose them and can make sure I got the points

    3. Joker


      nope. i give all those codes to a friend,he gets most of his points from me xD

  10. Mostly cell. Even though it's a pain sometimes. I'd rather be on my laptop but i am always exhausted when i get home and just end up sleeping most the day. (i work graveyard shift.
  11. I know i hide in the shadows most of the time, but it's nice to see i was mentioned in Xaon's predictions of 2013. (Even if i barely saw it now)
  12. I would prefer only kh related questions. It feels kind of awkward when it's anything else. (most of the time)
  13. If it was 3.2 then wouldn't that mean DDD takes place after 3? If anything it would be Kingdom hearts 3 -.2....wait what?
  14. Welcome Pizza I am a huge fan of you.
  15. anyone want a code to get access to the monster hunter 4 demo for 3ds?

    1. Silent


      Yea there's gonna be a demo released to everyone soon but this is like and early access thing like they did with smash bros

    2. President Yoshi

      President Yoshi

      oh man *fangasms*

    3. teh lazy prince Xylek
    4. Show next comments  27 more
  16. The closer i get to the light, the greater my cookie becomes.
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