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    In the darkest night the fainest light is blinding.
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  1. I bought it! I wish i had the skill to make this haha. It’s from a seller on etsy called underground costumes. Pretty expensive but the quality is nice.
  2. It’s been a while. Not even sure if i posted this correctly lol. Here’s my mickey cosplay. (Work in progress)
  3. He says it’s the “theme song” so i imagine it being dearly beloved maybe?
  4. 12,000 is in fact the magic number for this particular banner. It’s a 5 pull mercy. First pull was free meaning that 12,000 will get you your medal. It is a tough grind to get jewels but don’t worry about it too much. This banner lasts 24 days meaning you will be able to get it even if you just do your daily jewels. Just gotta be a little patient
  5. Kingdom Hearts 3 Launch Event. LOL sorry i’m boring but that’s the only thing i can imagine it be calling considering all the past events were, KH 1.5 launch event, KH 2.5 launch event, etc.
  6. 100% agree. Dissididia No Thanks was a huge disappointment. It did make me dust of my psp though to replay the old one :].
  7. Only yodas spirit was there. The same way obi wans spirit was still able to communicate with luke in the older movies. It’s actually a technique yoda learned and taught obi wan. It explains more in the last episode of the 3d animated clone wars serries.
  8. The fully upgraded sleeping lion is my favorite but i'll choose roxas for the poll.
  9. I feel you on that.. every time i start a group with people who aren't in my party it's a disaster. Good news is adventurers now drop classic Donald, maleficent b, and Alice/Cheshire medals which are still useful medals that came out before the trait era.
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