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Mystics Apprentice

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Everything posted by Mystics Apprentice

  1. Oooh yes! I love that scene, too. Probably one of the most romantic FF scenes, come to think of it. Hope reminds me a lot of Ventus, though I cannot quite say why... As for the game, I think I really should try it. I've heard so many terrible things about the game, though I think it's probably a matter of preferences and what everyone's looking for. Now then, if I may, another favorite: (If you can't tell, I *really* enjoyed Crisis Core!) Hmm, I've always thought they were in water...
  2. Aww, sweet scene... I haven't played FF XIII yet, but this certainly makes me want to! Did you like it?
  3. Hmm...do I have to choose just one? If so, then I guess I'd have to say this is one of my favorite Final Fantasy cutscenes of all time!
  4. Tough choice between Oathkeeper and Oblivion, but I'd probably have to say Oblivion overall.
  5. That WOULD be interesting. I definitely hope Vanitas'll come back in Kingdom Hearts III. They never quite elaborated on what happened to him and, given his appearance in DDD, I'd think they'd need to bring him back for III.
  6. It's really hard to say whether they'll make a 2.5 or not. I know Tetsuya Nomura once discussed releasing all the Kingdom Hearts games on one system, but I can't really imagine Kingdom Hearts 3D being remade without being in 3D (unless they manage to do this for a different console, perhaps). Also, it seems too new to be released in a set come 2014. I do wonder if Re:coded might make it into Kingdom Hearts 2.5, along with Birth by Sleep and KH2. Again, it's really hard to say at this point. I think it'd be great if they released all the Kingdom Hearts games for one system so that players won't have to own a bazillion consoles just to play all the games. But I wonder if 2.5'll have a lot to do with how well 1.5 goes over with the audience.
  7. It's very hard to compare Kingdom Hearts and Zelda, because both are well-developed and amazing! While I tend to agree that Zelda doesn't have quite as much plot or character development as a typical RPG (since, actually, it's not one), the gameplay more than makes up for this area. Still, I'd probably say that I enjoy Kingdom Hearts a smidgen more, since I'm all about character development!
  8. This is in the original PC version of the game. They say all you have to do is have Vincent in your party when you come to Aerith, though I haven't tested this out for myself to know for sure. It always makes me think that Aerith dies and, out of anguish, Vincent starts kicking everyone! Bwah hah!
  9. It cracks me up every time... It's a shame that it doesn't appear in the Playstation version. (Note: just watch Vincent; you'll see the problem.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbdbegstTIg
  10. Yeesh, hard question; this is like asking whether I like my chocolate chips big or small in my vanilla ice cream! Overall, I'd have to say Nobuo Uematsu's Final Fantasy soundtracks are a tad better than Zelda, but only Uematsu's!
  11. That's what they say, but personally I think it's just an excuse they're using because it'd be too much work to remake it. But yes, I'd really love to see an HD remake of FF7 too! It was a great game, and would be beyond brilliant if given high quality cutscenes and voice acting. However, I do wonder if they'd have to rework a few things, namely within the slums.
  12. I'd love to see Final Fantasy worlds surface, but I seriously doubt that's going to happen. As for Disney, some that would be great to venture through are Tangled, Toy Story (loved the SNES game), Pocahontas and Narnia.
  13. Hahah, I actually agree with you there! It's hard for me to determine my favorite character design, but clothing-wise I'd have to say either Roxas, Aqua or Riku from the original Kingdom Hearts.
  14. I'm not sure if Square will really have to wait on making Kingdom Hearts III until FF Versus 13 is complete, since Kingdom Hearts 3D managed to come out while Versus was in production. This is just my opinion, but since Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts are two independent series, I would think the company'd be careful to appease both fan bases and release games equally. Just as they're releasing FF XIII-3 while Versus is being made to give the Final Fantasy fans something, it's presumable they'll do the same for their Kingdom Hearts fans. Also, they would lose quite a fan base if they release the next (and final, might I add) installment to the KH series five years from now, which in turn would mean they'd lose sales. Surely Square-Enix must realize this? But, overall, this is just my speculation. I sure hope we'll get to see Kingdom Hearts III before the predicted 2017!
  15. It sort of felt like the game's difficulty was out of proportion. I was able to get through each boss fine, within the first try even, until I got to Young Master Xehanort with Riku. My goodness that fight was tough! I'm embarrassed to admit how many tries it took me. *blush*
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