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Mystics Apprentice

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Everything posted by Mystics Apprentice

  1. Let me start by saying I'm a very indecisive person and choosing new games is sometimes hard for me, so please bear with me here, hehe. My Toys R Us was having a special of buy one game and get the next one 40% off, so I bought two. Once I got them home, however, I began having second thoughts on the Mario Tennis Open that I got. I was considering exchanging it for Kid Icarus Uprising instead, though I've heard such mixed things about it and have been a wee bit hesitant to try it. D'you guys think that would be a better choice? The 3DS games I own and enjoy are: Kingdom Hearts 3D (erm, obviously), Legend of Zelda OoT, Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land, and Tales of the Abyss. Thanks, guys! Any advice or opinions would be tremendously helpful, you've no idea.
  2. I've read in a few gaming articles that it's been announced only for Japan and no US release has been spoken of yet, but that's not to say it won't make it abroad. Here's hoping for a global release. I'd love to see the changes they made to the games.
  3. I know what you mean. I noticed this less in later titles, but Birth by Sleep especially has this issue. There were so many times that Terra and Aqua should've just hashed out what was on their minds and it would've solved everything. But yes, I really like Terra and Aqua's characters as well. I just wish the plot wasn't so, ah, convenient.
  4. I understand what you're saying about Riku, but that's one thing I've noticed about Kingdom Hearts. They focus more on inner struggle and emotions rather than the physical worlds and consequences. I believe they chose for Riku to pay for his sins in the way of his inner struggle and his battle against darkness instead of having to redeem himself to those around him. I'm also uncertain how many people Riku's encountered since his fall to darkness. Apart from Sora, Kairi, Mickey, Donald and Goofy, I don't think there's really that many (if any at all). That could also be why we haven't seen him having to pay up for his mistakes. Overall, I can definitely see your point, and I partly agree with you. It just doesn't strike me as that great of a surprise given that this is Kingdom Hearts we're talking about here.
  5. I started replaying the original Kingdom Hearts for the second time a few months before KH 1.5 was announced, does that count? hehe. Anyway, I'm not necessarily practicing for 1.5 to come out, since I don't want to be bored of the games before I get a chance to play it. That way it'll be fresh in my mind like a brand new game instead of a repeat, y'know?
  6. Aw, poor Mario Kart 7... I wonder what it did to deserve winding up there.
  7. I think they could successfully pull off a Kingdom Hearts film so long as they don't try to cram too much into a 2-hour film. I also think they would need to focus on one of the actual games rather than a spinoff. For instance, I enjoyed Advent Children simply because I love the cast of characters. Other than that the film didn't have a whole lot going for it. The plot was too muddled and felt last-minute, so I think unless you were a huge (and I'm talking HUGE like me) Final Fantasy VII fan that you couldn't truly appreciate the film. If a Kingdom Hearts film was put together in this manner (which it likely would be), then I have mixed feelings over it. I probably would enjoy it as I had Advent Children--if only to see the characters in high quality for a couple hours--but other than that I don't think it'd have very much going for it. So...my overall answer: it depends on how they'd do it. I probably would still like to see it regardless though.
  8. Would be great to see a live cast film, though chances of that happening are incredibly slim. If such a film were made I also doubt that we'd get a very good cast, since the producers probably couldn't pay talented actors enough for it to be worth their while. Anyway, I definitely agree with your choice for Master Xehanort. But would Emma Watson really make a good Aqua? Is she, well, Aqua-y enough? Emma sort of comes out harsh and cold, whereas I see a somewhat different aura about Aqua. Could just be me though.
  9. Really? Luckily I haven't had that happen yet. I also haven't had an issue with games that I've downloaded (but I've only been at it for about a year), but I've had a heck of a time with my camera's memory sticks. They become no longer readable overtime, though I'm really not sure why... It's not like they're being manhandled...er, exactly, hehe.
  10. Good question, though I agree that Deep Jungle will likely stay. I certainly hope so; it was one of my favorite worlds!
  11. I think Riku's actually stronger than Sora. Not so much in their combat skills--though even that one is debatable--but since it appears Riku can control his darkness whereas Sora falls prey to it. Not to say that Sora couldn't become stronger. It's just that Riku has been combating darkness for some time, whereas Sora's never had the need to and hasn't been exposed to it. Therefore he's overall weaker. Given the appropriate training, I think things could be slightly different for him.
  12. I wonder if they'll lower the price for digital copies, since they won't have to deal with the cost of manufacturing? Probably not, but it'd sure be nice if they did! On a side note, I also prefer physical copies over digital ones. I've lost far too many digital files in my lifetime to feel comfortable in relying on a memory stick to hold a $39 game purchase!
  13. That makes sense. I've also heard, "the distance of dream drops," used in reference to Dream Drop Distance, though I cannot recall where this was... Either way, I think Gambler's Apprentice's explanation fits the definition of Dream Drop Distance perfectly.
  14. That's a good point about other Organization members being Seekers of Darkness. I'm not sure if Luxord had enough influence over the Organization to be ranked so high, though. The only correlation I can find with the ones we do know of is that both Xigbar and Saix played major roles in Organization XIII. In this sense I do believe Marluxia would be a likely candidate. Vexen would've been another, though I'm not too sure he's willing to support Xemnas again.
  15. Ah, lucky you! I tried the modem thing myself, but it seems there's an issue with the service itself since I still have sluggish internet. I have Mario Kart 7 and, while I love the online feature, it tells me that I'm in 1st place for nearly the entire race until I cross the finish line and come out in 7th. A little disappointing, but still the feature is awesome.
  16. I was actually going to mention that it *might* be more a matter of whether you like action RPGs and if you enjoy shooters or not. I've played a few shooters, and while they're not horrible they're definitely not my favorite. Again, I can't fully judge Borderlands 1 or 2 because I haven't played either, but I've just noticed in general it seems quite a few KH fans dislike it. Not saying everyone, of course. It depends on the reasons you like KH and what you're hoping to get out of Borderlands.
  17. I think people either love games like Borderlands and hate Kingdom Hearts, or visa versa. In all fairness I've never played Borderlands, but I've recently done a little research on the title and am not too fond of how it looks... I find it hard to imagine how people can love it, too.
  18. Whoa, seriously?! I thought Atlantica felt huge! Dang, I guess I must've just hated it that much... But yeah, I noticed the worlds felt pretty small in Dream Drop Distance. Each room was LARGE, but the worlds themselves were incredibly short.
  19. What was your favorite world in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance? Mine was definitely Symphony of Sorcery, hands down. Riku fighting on ice to Swan Lake was just epic to me.
  20. I have a bad habit of never getting rid of anything, so I've got a few not-so-good games over here. The worst game I probably own would be Quest 64, and the only reason I still have it is because it's one of the only RPGs available for the N64. Otherwise, I might've tried to find ways to sell it (no, who am I kidding? I'd probably have to donate it to get rid of it) by now.
  21. I know, really! His voice does sound a little different in Dream Drop Distance, but not enough to say it's changed again. I actually thought he sounded a little like Vanitas, but perhaps that's because I just completed BbS when I played it.
  22. It seems like most of the Kingdom Hearts games are localized in summer/autumn, so probably somewhere within those months.
  23. I'm severely indecisive too! I'm having a hard time trying to weigh out whether I want to get Theatrhythm or New Super Mario Bros 2 myself, so I definitely know that feeling. If you think you'd be interested in the multiplayer option then I'd say go for it! I've really enjoyed the online multiplayer games I've played, so long as my internet is behaving itself (which is probably about 8% of the time, sadly).
  24. I absolutely loved Ocarina of Time. I'd been considering purchasing Kid Icarus myself until I checked out my friend's copy. While it has stunning graphics and overall is probably a good game, it's not necessarily as good as it's been made out to be. It depends on the kinds of games you like, I suppose, but if you already have a copy of OoT I'd get Kid Icarus so that way you'll be getting something new. The changes from N64's OoT are very slight in comparison to the 3DS version; the most significant difference being the Master Quest edition. BUT if you have neither, I'd seriously consider getting OoT. Isn't it tough making decisions like those?! Have fun with your new game!
  25. Yeah, I'm not sure I prefer Haley Joel Osment's performance of Sora in either Kingdom Hearts or Kingdom Hearts II, but rather, each suited their own purposes. It'd be sort of strange if Sora's KH1 voice was present in KH2, since he's obviously grown into a teenager and his youthful voice would no longer be suiting. However, I did feel that his voice in Re:COM was strange, since he still appeared as his younger KH1 self. Oh well, not a whole awful lot Haley could've done about that! Overall, I think he did an amazing job voicing Sora, and none other could duplicate it.
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