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Mystics Apprentice

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Everything posted by Mystics Apprentice

  1. Now that's an interesting thought. :lol: Luxord and ice cream? I'm not sure how that'd mix...
  2. Hmm...this becomes a little harder... Still, I think I'll have to go for Tidus, especially since Yuna didn't make it.
  3. Aw, I really like this scene too! It really brings out a lot of Axel's character, especially his caring side. (Y'know, the side that Nobodies aren't really supposed to have, hehe.)
  4. Yeah, it really does look like this could've been an image taken from an anime. I've seen many, but none as realistic as this one. I kind of agree that Sora doesn't look right. He definitely looks older, but even older than all the existing games! For some reason his facial expression reminds me of Link, though I'm not quite sure why...
  5. Sounds like fun! I'm thinking if you're wanting to avoid marker what you could do is wrap yourself in bandages (ie a cloth or scrap material of some kind), kind of like how Cloud had his arm wrapped. If you can stain gray patches onto the bandages it'd look even more authentic. That way you can simply show off the bandage rather than show the actual infected area.
  6. My question is, where IS Vanitas currently? After Birth by Sleep, it looked like he sort of just vanished, but given no one seems to vanish for good in the KH series I wonder where he's truly residing. Is he still fused with Ven and is sleeping in Castle Oblivion, or is his heart held prisoner in Sora as well? As for the meaning of Xehanort's words, I pondered that one briefly myself. I think Xehanort was referring to Xion, Ventus and Roxas though, since in the ending you encounter those three as Riku within Sora's heart.
  7. In the original Kingdom Hearts, when Sora and Riku are closing the door. In Kingdom Hearts II, when Demyx is talking to self and Sora's like, "Who IS this kook?" In Kingdom Hearts II, when Roxas throws a stick at Riku and he says, "Uh...sorry about that." In COM, when Riku tells Namine that he won't be able to scold Sora for sleeping if he chooses to fall asleep. When Sora and Riku reunite in Kingdom Hearts II, *heart*. The tea party at the end of Kingdom Hearts DDD. In Birth by Sleep, when Aqua encounters Terra Xehanort; it seems almost as if Terra was breaking through. In Birth by Sleep, when Zack asks Aqua out (huge Zack fan here). There's so many others, but those are a few that come to mind at the moment. I might add more later if I can think of some.
  8. Kingdom Hearts is definitely addicting like that. I'd heard of the series long before I tried it, but I'd just been too darn stubborn to give it a chance till last year. Once I got my hands on re:Coded I loved it and sought out the entire series! But, anyway, welcome to the community! I hope you enjoy!
  9. Oh yeah, that's right! In that case it looks like Lightning's the victor, but even then it's pretty close...
  10. Very nice paragraph there. As for the walls in Castle Oblivion, I'd kind of describe them as iridescent, with the way they sort of reflect various colors depending on your angle. Not sure that's what you're looking for exactly, though.
  11. I've always thought the same thing! Zack really does seem like an older version of Sora.
  12. Oh, I didn't realize the matches were randomly placed, *thuds forehead*.That makes it all the more interesting! Despite my avatar, I'm going to have to go with Zack here. The way he's both serious and hilarious at once is just a unique trait that I can't help but love. He seems more well-rounded as a character than Cloud as well, though this probably isn't Cloud's fault necessarily but instead everything he's been through. Poor guy. P.S.: Your Cloud image doesn't appear to be working...
  13. I can see why Vincent and Yuffie would need removed, though I think you may have more difficultly removing Cait Sith. A lot of events are tangled around that idiotic puppet, unless another excuse was made for said events to occur, I suppose. Ditto what you said on the opera scene; it was probably my favorite in the entire game.
  14. Definitely Leon. I just realized what our next match looks like. You seriously dare put Zack and Cloud against one another?! They might get carried away in their duel and start killing off civilians (like us!). LOL
  15. Very valid point. But on a more serious note, it'd be great to see a live action FF film. It'd be interesting if they did a Dissidia-type film, including many favorites from previous Final Fantasy games. I for one would love to see something done on Final Fantasy VI, though if anything we'd likely get a film on either XIII or another on VII.
  16. Very tough choice indeed. While I do enjoy both of them, there's something that's always bothered me about Cecil, though I have trouble putting my finger on what. Perhaps it's because he's such a typical protagonist that he feels to lack character development. In this sense I choose Yuna, if for nothing more than to see her and Tidus face off in the finals. *evil laugh*
  17. I'm very partial to Terra, since Final Fantasy VI is my favorite game of all time!
  18. I think it depends on the qualities that you like about the books you mentioned. For me I like realistic characters that are placed in a slightly unrealistic world, whether it be futuristic or fantasy based. I mostly read fantasy/adventure, and a little bit of sci-fi, but I'm not incredibly into the genre myself. One of my favorite trilogies was The Healing Wars. It reminded me a bit of Final Fantasy, actually, and was a pretty interesting read. A few other favorites of mine were Harry Potter and Fablehaven. I also recently read a novel called Across the Universe which I really enjoyed despite my wavering interest in sci-fi. It might just be me, but I've noticed a huge difference in writing style and content from MG, YA and adult fiction, has anyone else? I tend to prefer MG novels, surprisingly, since the plots are more balanced and the characters have more substance. Of course this isn't always the case, though. Good luck finding some good books!
  19. Same here; I loved the original series (and cards--I used to play a lot), but I haven't kept up with the later series nor can I recognize any of the newer duel monsters! So, sorry I can't be of any help. Just saw the mention of Yu-Gi-Oh cards and was having a moment of nostalgia.
  20. That's some pretty good fan voice acting! Oh, yes, me too! While I hated what happened, it was probably one of the best endings I've ever seen. Anger? not sorrow?! Hahah! I liked Aerith a lot, too, and also spent a lot of time leveling her up (well hmm...did I like her? Or was she just so weak that I was obliged to?) Aww, thanks for thinking of me! The spoilers aren't a big issue for me, though; I'll still play the game regardless.
  21. I know, really! If this were under different circumstances I'd understand, but the fact that Vincent of all people has his leg up during the most tragic scene is just to die for!
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