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Mystics Apprentice

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Everything posted by Mystics Apprentice

  1. Ragnarok in Final Fantasy VI, and Soul of Thamasa. There might be other things, but those were the most impressionable on me...
  2. That game IS difficult, but I just love the Golden Sun series. Alright, let's see if I can rally up every game that I own that I've yet to complete: Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Final Fantasy III Final Fantasy X (finishing it now) Quest 64 (never plan to finish it) Golden Sun: The Lost Age Kid Icarus (finishing it now) Tales of the Abyss Hmm, not as bad as I thought. Still, I need to get busy!
  3. Final Fantasies I-X are all turn-based. Some of the later games have a slightly different combat style. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII has a menu that you choose from (kind of reminds me of Kingdom Hearts 1 in a way), but you get to move around the battlefield and hit the X button to attack, so it's basically like an open-field battle. Another that's similar to this method is Final Fantasy XII, and I believe XIII as well. I can't say for sure on XIII, though, since I've yet to see it in person.
  4. Favorite 2D game: Oracle of Ages Favorite 3D game: Ocarina of Time Really, there's a lot of Zelda games I love. I don't think I've yet come across one that I don't like (well, except for the Phantom Hourglass; that one was sort of lacking).
  5. I definitely agree with Xaon here. I haven't played all Final Fantasies, though I can't really say any of them are overrated. A lot of hype surrounds Final Fantasy VII, but, after completing it, I enjoyed it very much and can't really blame those who rave about it. Not every FF game is for everyone, so everyone's going to have different opinions on what overrated is depending on their personal liking of the game. Just because someone hated the beginning of FFVII they'll say "it's overrated" because they personally couldn't get into it. I also think one must play a game all the way through in order to determine whether it's overrated or not. A lot of games have poor beginnings, but the middle of the game more than makes up for it. And finally, after saying all of that, I personally don't think any Final Fantasy is overrated. They're all just awesome, and part of what makes them so is that there's something out there for everyone.
  6. There's a few points in the game where you'll have to play without various key party members (and the final boss requires you to use pretty much all your playable characters), so in order not to limp through those few points I'd suggest keeping your side characters no lower than 10 levels below your main party. You can alternate to keep everyone on the same level, but that takes a great deal of dedication and at some points you may find that your main party is too weak from lack of training. However, all your characters do gain experience points after battles, even those who aren't currently in your party. They just gain considerably less, so it'll take a lot longer for them to gain levels versus those in your party. As for Vincent, I backtracked to Nibelheim near the very end of disc 2, but I know that you can acquire him as early as the middle of disc 1. I've seen walkthrough videos on Youtube explaining how to get Vincent into your party, would you like me to PM you a link? If memory serves me right, it's a requirement to go through Nibelheim at least once throughout the game, so either way you won't be missing out on getting there if you wait a while. Vincent's one of my favorite party members and always manages to find his way into my main party, along with Tifa and Cloud.
  7. I wonder, was it that you were using her commands a lot and therefore went into a command style? Aqua, in general, seems to have very low offense when simply using her Keyblade. I always use commands that'll send her into either Diamond Dust or Blade Charge, since her Keyblade alone doesn't seem to put much of a dent into the Unversed.
  8. No, I see where your question was coming from. Since a lot of Playstation items are interchangeable (PS1 games play on newer PS systems, along with the Playstation Network offering a ton of downloadable content for both the PS3 and PSP), it wouldn't seem all that farfetched for BbS to be playable on the PS3. I don't know much about any 3rd party software not made by Sony that could *do* it; I just know I haven't heard of any way that you can. I haven't yet tried out the composite cable to see how it plays on the TV, but from what I've heard it works great on the PSP 3000. I'm anxious to see how it works myself, since it'll be all too epic to see BbS cutscenes on the big ol' screen.
  9. Exactly what I was going to say. If you get a component or composite cable (composite only works with a PSP 3000), you can make your PSP games display on a TV and use the PSP as a controller. But yeah, I really don't think there's a way to get a PSP game on a PS2 or 3.
  10. I gravitate towards light and speedy characters, or ones that are just cool. I like the complexity of mages and, as I said previously, characters that are small with a lot of speed, but in the end it all comes down to the character and whether I like them or not.
  11. Yup, I've done that more times than I personally care to count! I also have the issue of pressing the wrong button to attack when switching between KH1 and any of the DS games (attack is X on all the Playstation games, whereas Nintendo likes to be difficult by making the attack button"A," which is positioned in the circle button's place on a Playstation controller...oh so confusing).
  12. The older FInal Fantasies are more difficult than the newer ones, so if you're wanting something simpler to start out with I'd go with Final Fantasy IX or above. My favorite Final Fantasy was VI, because the characters and story were just too awesome, but Final Fantasy VII shortly follows it. I wouldn't recommend starting out with FF 1-3 because they lack in the story department, but also wouldn't recommend Dissidia. Some of the characters are kind of OOC, not to mention it'll offer every spoiler that exists within the Final Fantasy franchise. If you have a PSP, the first Final Fantasy game I'd get would be Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. That was literally *the* greatest game I ever played as far as characters and story go. The gameplay is also a lot more simplistic than other FFs. Also, if you're looking for a shorter game (more like 17 hours versus 30-50 that you can easily put into a standard Final Fantasy), Crisis Core would be the way to go. Really, the greatest Final Fantasy comes down to what appeals to you. Do you like medieval times with knights and monarchs? If so, go with either IV or XII. Do you like stories where rebellions are formed against greedy, oppressive nations? Go with VI, or possibly VII. Futuristic? Either XIII, VII or VIII. Not everyone likes each Final Fantasy equally--as you'll come to find--but you'll have to sort of find which one suits your interests and go with that.
  13. I'm no expert, as I still suffer greatly from stress, but I'd go with what everyone else is mentioning. Take some time away from studying to relax and clear your thoughts, then you'll be able to go back to studying with a clearer mind and hopefully do better. Another thing that I find helps with stress in general is to write up a list of everything that needs done, and by 9 o' clock every night start marking things off, either by completion or marking tomorrow's date on it to do then. After that fold up the list and put it away; force yourself not to think about it until the next day. It, eh, doesn't always work, but it does help some! Realistic goals is the key to success here.
  14. Overall I think Genesis would make a better villain. Angeal is too honorable to take as an antagonist seriously. Even during his turning point in Crisis Core he still aided Zack, and it seemed that he still was trying to do what he thought was right (in an, erm, odd sort of way). I love Angeal, almost as much as Zack, and I'd love to see him in Dissidia, but I'm afraid for the sake of having a good villain I'd have to vote for Genesis. Even if Genesis isn't all that evil, he'd do the job better.
  15. I'd want to be either Riku, Aqua or Zexion. I can't make up my mind.
  16. Wish I could settle on one choice, but for me I'd have to say either chakrams, lexicon or the Keyblade. I like all three for different reasons.
  17. Yep, I *loved* Crisis Core. It was probably my favorite game of all time.
  18. Well...if I couldn't choose Kefka then I'd say Sephiroth, but if I can't choose him either then hmm... Guess it'd have to be Kuja.
  19. Graphics: 9/10 (for a DS game) Sound: 9/10 Gameplay: 9/10 Story: 3/10 Lasting appeal: 7/10 Overall: 8/10 I really liked re:Coded because it was very engaging. It resembles KH1 as far as gameplay goes, and even adds RPG battle style and side-scrolling worlds into the mix. I liked all the creativity it had. Now it does lack in the story department, but if you're looking at re:coded for its gameplay I'd rate it pretty high. Out of all the Kingdom Hearts games that I've played (which have been all of them), I'd say re:Coded is my 4th favorite, above Dream Drop Distance, COM, and Days.
  20. Uh, yeah, of course...*hides under desk*. Let's pretend I didn't ask that.
  21. I think it's important for Final Fantasy characters to continue appearing in Kingdom Hearts games. That's one thing Dream Drop Distance lacked, and I think it sort of reflected poorly on the game. I believe it wouldn't hurt for Square-Enix to give the Final Fantasy characters better roles and be certain they're in-character, but I definitely wouldn't want to opt them out of the KH series entirely.
  22. After Birth by Sleep was released I'm guessing a lot of you will say Zack. But, just for the sake of asking, who's your favorite between Cloud and Zack? My vote's in for Zack. I mean really, he's like an older version of Sora; what's not to like about him?
  23. I nearly fell over when I first saw this boxed set. I already own most of the games so I probably wouldn't buy it, but it's sure magnificent to look at. If I needed more of the FF games I'd definitely be in on it.
  24. The whole Xehanort thing definitely IS confusing. Still trying to get all of his forms straight myself, especially when KH3D kindly added to my confusion, hehe.
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